Chapter seventeen

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About a month later
Y/n's Point Of View

I was riding back to the prison on my white horse I had duffel bag hooked on the saddle and I had a backpack on, soon the prison gates came into view and the gate opened as soon as I was through the gates I heard it closed Carl ran up to my horse and smiled. I dismounted my horse grabbing its reins Carl grabbed the duffel bag off the horse he smiled and hugged me tightly "I missed you" he said kissing my face, I let out a laugh "Carl I was only gone for one night" I said.

"I know but it felt like forever" he said I smiled and I started leading my horse to the pig pen where I could hitch it, I heard the gate open and I saw Michonne enter on a brown horse she had been gone for about a week or more. I walked over to her with a smile "Welcome back Michonne" I said greeting her, she smiled and pulled out a couple of comics tossing them at Carl she pulled put a separate bag and tossed it at me. I opend the bag to see a bra and a pair of underwear[From a store] I could tell it was from a store since the price tags where still on it, I smiled and thanked her and me and Carl walked off "You having fun planting stuff farmer boy?" I asked with a giggle.

He looked over at me glaring "Hey I'm just messing around" I said giggling he smiled at me "Can you put these on my bed, I need to get some more farming done before my dad kills me" he said with a laugh, I nodded and he handed me the books he gave me a quick kiss and ran off. I smiled as he ran off his hard was longer and he had been more snappy towards others besides me I made my way towards my cell block I heard someone walking behind me, I turned around and I saw Patrick "Oh hey Patrick" I said walking towards him.

He smiled and waved at me shyly his face tinted a light pink "It's good to see you made it back safely, his was your trip?" He asked, I shrugged and started walking again "Fun and calming" I replied stoping outside cell block C. He nodded "Well I'll see you later" he said and quickly walked off 'I wonder what's up with him' I thought walking into my cell block, I made my way upstairs and into my cell. I tossed the comics on my bed planning on bringing them in Carl's cell I peeled off my bloody clothes and changed into a new outfit, I flopped down on my bed and closing my eyes and drifting into a deep slumber.

The next morning

I woke up the next morning to the sounds of gunshots and screaming I quickly sat up and I grabbed my katana and I ran downstairs, there where walkers walking around trying to get to other people in the group I ran downstairs killing any walkers. These weren't any ordinary walkers these where people from the group my eyes widened as I saw multiple Walkers heading for Beth and Judith, I started banging on the metal bars causing the walkers turn around heading in my direction.

They started trudging in my direction once a Walker was close to me I kicked it's leg in breaking it, I quickly cut it's head in half and I did the same thing with the other walkers when I was on the last walker I felt someone grab my hair and I heard the biting of a Walker luckily it was behind a cell door. The other walker was walking towards me I pulled put my knife quickly stabbing the walker, I stabbed the other one in the head through the bars it's grip loosened on my head.

Soon all the walkers in C block where dead I looked around confused "What the fuck happened? Why are out people walkers?!" I shouted outloud, Rick and the others ran into our cell block from block D. I bend over grabbing my katana I walked over to Rick my clothes bloody "Do we know what started the outbreak?" I asked him.

He nodded "Patrick died last night from some type of sickness, we found a pool of blood in the bathrooms and it lead to cell block D. We think some others died from it as well since there was an infected one in every cell block, but C didn't get it so bad thank god" he said. I nodded "Are there any other sick people, if so we should probably move them into a separate cell block away from the non infected" I said.

He nodded in agreement "Alright we should probably do that as soon as possible" he said I nodded and I saw Carl with Beth, I decided to leave them alone I felt a hint of jealousy run through my body. A while ago Carl had admitted that he used to like Beth and I was worried he still did, I let out a sigh "I'm headin out on a run, if I don't come back tonight I'll probably be back tomorrow or something" I said with a shrug.

Rick looked at me "Y/n you just got back from a run yesterday are you sure you wanna head out again?" He asked, I looked at Carl who was looking at me I looked back at Rick quickly and nodded "Yeah I'm positive, I'll try my best to be back tonight to help out." I replied. Rick sighed and nodded "Fine if your not back tonight I'm sending a search party to find you" he said I nodded and walked off past Carl, I wasn't sure why I was getting jealous I sigh and I walked towards the pig pen.

I pat my horse and I look towards the prison I see Carl heading in my direction and I quickly mounted my horse, soon he was by my side "Why are you leaving so soon? We never got any time to spend together" he said sadly. I rolled my eyes "You have Beth to hang out with, you seem pretty interested in her AGAIN" I snap, he looked at me and I quickly started making my way to the gate. Glenn was in gate duty and he opened the gate and I quickly left without saying a word to Carl or a glance back


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