Chapter twenty four

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Y/n's Point Of View

Our group had been walking for about an hour we where all exhausted we had started walking in the woods by now, I heard yelling from nearby I let go of Carl's hand and I pulled out my katana Carl looked at me "Y/n do-" I cut him off by breaking into a run heading in the direction of the yelling. I soon saw a man in all black on a rock surrounded by walkers about three"Hey you flesh eating bitches" I shouted, the walkers turned in my direction and I broke into a run I quickly cut one of the heads off the walkers. I backed up a bit and did the same to the next one for the last walker I cut it's head in half, the man got off the rock and ran up hugging me "Oh thank you so much, praise the lord" he said releasing me.

Soon everyone came into View and had their guns aimed at the man "Whoah guys calm down" I said looking at them, the man looked at my group and screamed in shock hiding behind me. I let out a large laugh "This dude is completely harmless, he couldn't even take out a walker" I said "I refuse to kill the dead, I am a man of god" he said from behind me. I shook my head sighing I put my katana away and the man flinched "So what's your name?" I asked turning to look at him, he smiled "Father Gabriel" he replied holding out his hand.

I gladly shook it "I'm Y/n, they others will introduce themselves since I'm too lazy to and there are a lot of us" I replied, he nodded understanding "I have a church nearby and since Y/n here saved me I'll allow you to stay there, and it's the Christian thing to do and you have a child" he said looking at Judith. She cooed as she looked around the area "Well Gabe lead the way" I said with a smile he nodded and started leading the way through the woods to his church, I walked next to him "So where you in the church when it started?" I asked he nodded "Yeah I was we had a canned food drive when it started so I managed to survive" he replied as we continued walking in the direction of the church.

A/n-So I got my timeskip a bit messed up, but by now it's been a few years since the apocalypse started Carl is around 15 and the reader is about 14.

We soon made it to the church and all of us piled in the church I was still talking with Gabe "How have you not managed to kill a Walker, it's been year's since all this shit started?" I questioned, he shrugged "Like I said I'm a man of god, even if they're flesh eating monsters I will not kill them" he replied. I sighed "You know you'll have to kill them eventually, have you killed a person?" I asked he quickly shook his head "Like I said I'm a man of god I refuse fo kill anything or anyone living or dead" he said.

I sighed shaking my head "You will have to eventually, both the livingroom and the dead it's for survival Gabriel. You'll end up dead if you don't kill this world is cruel now, it's not like it was before. I watched my father eat my mother and baby sister both of them turned and I watched as my mother tried to desperately bite me, I shot all three of them and left their bodys there because I didn't want to move them and-" I was quickly cut off by a hant kn my shoulder. I turned around seeing Kate "You don't need to explain anymore, by the terrified look on his face and the newbies I'm sure he gets it" she said softly.

I looked at the newbies Abraham had his arms crossed "You are one tuff kid" he said with a small smile Rosita punched his arm, Eugene looked at the two and Tara had a look of sympathy "I'm so sorry you had to deal with that" she said sympathy thick in her voice, I shrugged "It was years ago, I've healed" I lied. Kate glared at me "Y/n you don't nee-" I quickly cut her off "Just let me believe I'm fine" I said looking at her, she sighed and walked off everyone was in somewhat shock from what I had said.

Carl grabbed my hand "Let's go for a walk" he said I sighed nodding, the two of us walked out of the church and down a dirt road Carl still had a grip on my hand. Soon we where far away from the church he stopped and looked at me "Y/n....I've been thinking for a while and I get that we're young only what 15 and 14, but I wanna be with you for the rest of my life. And I wanna die knowing that well I'll just cut to the point" he said he seemed stressed and panicked.

"Y/n I wanna marry you" he breathed out I looked at him in shock I suddenly felt the weight of the ring he gave me that one night, I looked at him I didn't know what to say I was completely lost for words "C-Carl-" he quickly cut me off "Y-you don't have to if you don't want to" he quickly said holding up his hands

I chuckled and I smiled "Carl you should already know my answer to this, of course" I said hugging him tightly, he hugged me back he pulled away and kissed me deeply. Soon we pulled away "Where are we gonna get the other ring for you?" I asked holding up my hand to show him I still had his ring on that he gave me, he shrugged "We'll find one, maybe on a walker or something. But with or without a ring I wanna get this done we have a priest, we can get it done today or tomorrow. We just have to talk to Gabriel" he said.

I nodded in agreement and the two of us made our way back to the church to tell the others about the news, it was good to have some good news around here for once.


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