Chapters twenty nine

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The next morning
Y/n's Point Of View

Everyone was in grief Bob had passed away last night he wanted us to kill him before he turned into a Walker, but while we went to bury him Daryl came out of the bushes with a boy named Noha he had explained that he knew where Beth and Carol where. Abraham wanted to take some of our people with him to Washington I personally thought it was a horrible fucking idea but in the end Maggie, Glenn, and Tara all decided to go, and the rest of us where gonna gonna go save Beth and Carol.

Carl,Judith, Michonne, and Gabriel where gonna stay back and watch the church while we where gone, I was packing a few things like my knife my gun with extra bullets "Y/n I don't want you going what if you get hurt, what if you die. I can't lose you" Carl said pacing the room. I looked over at him I was in my black leggings black tank top and leather jacket and combat boots, I sighed "Carl I'll be okay I promise" I said walking over to him he looked down at me since he was taller I gave him a kiss on the cheek "I'll be back soon" I said. He nodded and I turned around to leave only to be quickly turned back around by Carl, he kissed me deeply pulling my body closer to his I was on my tippy toes trying to reach his height.

Soon the door opened "Y/n come on Tim-" Daryl stopped talking and the two of us pulled away and looked at the older male "Ya done?" He asked, I nodded embarrassed and I walked out of the room Carl behind me. I grabbed my katana from one of the seats and I put it over my torso I followed the rest of the group out of the church, we all loaded in the car and headed out to save Beth and Carol.

Carl's Point Of View

I watched as they drove away I sighed I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around to see Michonne she gave me a reassuring smile "She'll be okay Carl, she's a strong" she said looking down at me,the two of us walked back inside Gabriel was holding Judith I quickly walked over to him grabbing her out of his hands. I didn't trust him at all due to the raid from the last of the people from terminus, I walked into the office and I changed Judith and gave her a bottle soon I heard loud banging and moans from the front doors.

Y/n's Point Of View

It had been a few hours since we had left the church I was scouting around town alone trying to clear my head, Kate was with Rick chasing down one of the cops that we had caught and then escaped. I was slowly making my way back to our temporary base my katana was bloody I walked in the base "We're heading out to make the trade, we just need to wait for y-" the conversation that Rick held stopped as soon as I walked in. I looked up "Hey" I said calmly Rick looked at me worried "You where out for a while are you okay?" He asked worriedly, I looked at him confused "How long was I gone?" I asked Daryl was looking at me worried as well "About 4 hours" Daryl said.

I noticed my sleeves had blood on them "I must have had a lot of anger built up...." I murmured I sighed "Let's get this done and over with" I said the group nodded and we all left heading towards the hospital.


We had made it to the hospital by now we had only one prisoner since the other one got his dumbass killed, I saw Beth pushing Carol in a wheel chair I smiled as I saw the blond haired girl her eyes widened "Y-Y/n your alive?!" She practically shouted a wide smile on her face. I smiled and chuckled "I saw the tower explode and I thought you died I was so worr-" she was quickly cut off by a girl "Shut up!" She shouted.

I glared at her and crossed my arms in anger they sent over our two people and we sent over theirs Beth stopped and looked at the girl, Beth whispered something to her and she stabbed the lady I heard a gunshot ring out and I watched as Beth fell to the floor. My eyes widened and Kate ran forward heading for Beth another gunshot rang out and I watched as Kate fell to the ground a bullet hole in her head "NO!" I shouted as loud as I could, I was sobbing hysterically and I fell to the ground tears streaming down my face I pulled out my gun and I looked at the man who was looking at me his eyes wide.

I aimed my gun at his head and shot him blowing his brains out the others looked at me in shock I picked up Kate bridal style her body limp in my arms, Daryl picked up Beth and he was crying everyone was we walked out of the hospital in looked up seeing Maggie. I heard a ear piercing scream come from Maggie I saw Carl's horrific expression he had Judith in his arms, he handed her to Michonne and ran in my direction I fell to the ground Kate's limp body still held in my arms.

I was sobbing and rocking back and forth Carl was at my side trying to confront me "No no no no no no" I sobbed over and over holding her body close to mine, I heard voices trying to get my attention but I couldn't care less at the moment I had just lost my bestfriend the on person who has been by my side from the start till now. I was sobbing my bestfriend held in my arms I was shaking


Me and Kate where where sitting in my room at the time of this we where about 5 the two of us where on my bed drawing and giggling, my mother walked in the room with a smile "Kate sweetie your dad here is to pick you up" the both of us groaned sadly and we both got up heading downstairs Kate's dad was in the family room talking with my dad he looked over at us and smiled.

"Hey girls" he said with a smile me and Kate sighed she gave me a tight hug and I hugged her back "Bye bestfriend!" She shouted waving at me as she left, I smiled and waved back "Byeeeeeeee" I yelled smiling.

Present Day

Soon I was snapped out of my thoughts by Carl picking up Kate's I looked up at him sadly and I stood up we all got in the cars that where brought, I was in a car with Rick and Carl and Kate's body the car ride was quite and empty her head was on my lap and I was looking down at her face examining her features for the last time.

'I'm so sorry for not protecting you Kate, I'll always remember you and I'll make sure everyone else does as well' I thought sadly tears falling down my face.



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