Chapter fifty seven

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Y/n's Point Of View
The next morning

I woke up late the next morning I looked up Carl was still sound asleep I could hear him snoring he had me in a tight grip, I chuckled and I snuggled closer to him he groaned slightly and lifted me ontop of him I let out a laugh "Carl come on it's time to wake up, I'm sure your dad has already talked wit-" I was cut off by someone knocking on the door. Carl let out a groan and I got off him heading to the door I opened it to see Rick "Come on we're heading out, the King said he won't help us fight but he'll keep Daryl hidden. We should really get back to the community, be ready in twenty" he said, and with that he was gone I sighed closing the door by nos Carl was sitting up in bed he let out a large yawn.

"Come on Carl let's eat and head out" I said grabbing the backpack and taking out some food, I sat down on the bed next to Carl and I handed him some food. He gladly took it and the two of us stat there and quickly ate our food I quickly put on my black combat boots and I grabbed my katana, Carl grabbed the backpack and the two of us walked out Rick and the others where standing outside waiting for us. Daryl was talking with Rick but cut their conversation short when he saw me walked over to me, he gave me a hug "Good luck with the kid in there, I bet they'll be as much as a badass as you" he said with a chuckle.

I let out a laugh "We gotta get going, gotta go to that place Tara spoke about. OceanSide I believe" Rick said Daryl nodded "I'll meet you guys on the way" Daryl said, Rick gave him a approving nod and like that we where gone.

Once we got back to Alexandria I slowly made my way to my house before I was stopped by Rick "Hey Y/n I think you should stay back on this one, your pregnant and I can't risk you getting hurt." He explained, I let out a large sigh "Fine" I said calmly he nodded and walked off I made my way home. I kicked my shoes off and I fell back on the couch I heard a knock on my door and I groaned "It's open!" I shouted,  I watched Father Gabriel walk in with Judith "Hello Miss Y/n, I was hoping you could watch young Judith. You need the experience and all since your having yourself your own bundle of joy" he said with a smile.

I nodded "Of course I'd love to watch her" I said happily standing up the priest smiled "Everything you need should be in this bag here" he said handing me a bag, I nodded and grabbed the toddler and the bag and with that he was gone I set her down on the ground and I pulled out a few of her toys. She looked at me and smiled and started playing with her toys "You hungry Jude?" I asked with a smile she looked back up at me and gave me a quick nod, I chuckled and walked into the kitchen to fix her up something to eat.


After Jude ate her food I put her down for a nap on the couch so I could keep an eye on her I heard a knock at the door and I got up, I opened the door to see Jon "Hey Rick and everyone is back, just thought I should let you know" he said. I smiled and I walked over to the couch I gently picked up Judith I walked out of the house Judith asleep her head on my shoulder, I made my way to the gate to see Carl talking with Rick.

I walked over to them with a smile Carl looked at me and ignored what his dad was saying "She must like you" he said sweetly, I chuckled "She's super easy to deal with, quite and easily entertained" I said Rick came over and ran his hair through her golden hair. She made a small groaning sound and moved away from his hand I let out a laugh "I thought Gabriel was watching her" Rick said looking at me, I shrugged "He brought her over asking if I could watch her and whatnot, since I'm pregnant and all" I said. He  nodded "Well you should probably take her home and lay her down, I'll be there soon" he said, I nodded and made my way towards Rick's house with Carl at my heels.

"Are you scared?" Carl asked I looked at him and nodded "Very I could die, the baby could die or the both of us could" I said, Carl grabbed my hand "It'll be okay we've made it through horrible things, both of you will be okay" he said. I sighed walking inside and heading upstairs I laid Judith down in her bed and she quickly pulled the blanket over herself, I smiled and I walked back downstairs Rick and Michonne where inside now "We've gotta be ready for Negan when he arrives tomorrow, the Garbage people should be here bright and early" he explained.

I nodded "You two should get some rest especially you Y/n" Rick said with a smile I nodded and me and Carl made our way out of the house heading home, we walked inside and I flopped down on the couch "You hungry?" He asked. I nodded quickly and he smiled walking into the kitchen to make god knows what I grabbed my book and opened it continued from where I left off, soon Carl came back in with a plate of eggs "I made sure not to put any meat or cheese in it" he said with a smile. I sat up and took the plate "Thank you" I said happily Carl chuckled and I ate my food with a happy smile on my face, once I was finished I walked into the kitchen and put my plate in the sink. The two of us made our way upstairs for a deep slumber tomorrow was gonna be a wild day, let's hope this all doesn't go bad.


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