Chapter thirty two

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Y/n's Point Of View

"Aaron?!" I asked in shock the males eyes widened and he ran over hugging me tightly "Oh my god Y/n your alive!" He shouted not releasing me from the hug, I laughed "It's good too see you cousin" I said pulling away with a smile "How's Kate?" He asked I felt the color drain from my face. He must have noticed "I'm so sorry Y/n she was like your sister" he murmured I sighed "She's in a better place" I said he nodded and I heard a gun cock from behind me, I turned around to see Rick Aaron threw his hands up his eyes wide "Rick do not" I said sternly Rick looked at me "Do you know him" he asked glaring at me.

I nodded "Yeah he's my fucking cousin" I replied rudely he still had his gun aimed at Aaron "I was the person who left you thoese water bottles and whatnot, I'm no threat I wanted to bring you guys back to my community" he said trying to defend himself. Rick walked over to him grabbing his arm and pulling him away I ran over and shoved him with a glare "Y/n I get that he's your cousin but how can we trust him?" he asked looking at me "My family doesn't lie to me" I said rudely.

The older male sighed "Alright but we still need to question him" he said I nodded and the three of us started walking towards the bar, I heard quick running from behind me I pulled out Kate's gun aiming it at whoever it was. I sighed seeing Carl I put my gun down "You can run up on me like that, how many times have I almost killed you?" I asked he shrugged walking next to me and grabbing onto my hand, I could feel a gaze on me I looked over to see a hopeful Aaron "Soooo N/n(nickname) is that your boyfriend?" Hebasked wiggling his eyebrows.

I chuckled and held up my hand that had my ring on it "Husband actually" I said with a smile Carl pool pushed me and I giggled, I heard a gasp from Aaron and a laugh "Oh Eric is gonna love this" he said smiling my eyes widened "Is he here where is he?!" I asked. He chuckled "He's in a temporary base at the moment he's hurt, sprained ankle" he said, I nodded and soon we where in the  barn and everyone looked in our direction they all went for their weapons "Guys do not aim your weapons at him" I said everyone looked at Rick and he nodded.


After Rick had talked to Aaron and sent the group out to see if his story was clear he trusted him I stayed back with Rick and Judith to make sure he didn't do anything stupid,  "We leave at night" he said I nodded and handed him Judith I untied Aaron I felt everyone's eyes on me, I helped him up with a smile "Thanks N/n" he said with a smile. Me and Aaronn talked for a while catching up on everything his community was called Alexandria and it was a large community with walls, fresh food even kids and electricity I felt my excitement rush through my body I couldn't wait. Soon it was time to head out and meet up with Eric.

I was in RV that Eric had brought and left it had some extra gas inside it just incase Rick and a few other people went with Aaron in his car, and off we went heading in the direction of where Eric was. I was laying on the bed in the very back with Judith and Carl I heard giggles coming from Judith I sat up and smiled Carl had put his hat on her head, I smiled and I picked her up setting her on my lap she cooed and held her hands up at me Carl was watching us I looked over at him with a smile "You'd be a great mother" he said looking at me with a loving smile.

"AY no kids" I heard Daryl shout as he walked into the room I laughed looking at him Daryl was like my dad he cared for me a lot like his own daughter which I was fine with, we're all family here so I'm fine with it I laughed and Carl looked at him scared I smiled "Calm down dadddd" I said sarcastically. I looked at him smiling he shook his head and the Rv came to a stop I gave Carl Judith and I ran outta the room, we where at the place where Eric was and I opend the door running out there where two walkers outside so I quickly pulled out my Katana and I cut the heads off of them.

I quickly opened the door running in "Eric?! Eric it's Y/n" I called out I heard a gasp and I ran into a room I smiled seeing the male, I quickly crouched down and hugged him "Oh my God you've gotten so big you look just like Eliza" he said with a smile he saw my expression change from happy to sad "Oh sweetie I'm so sorry, I'm guessing she didn't make it" he said sympathetically. I chuckled "Well I have a new family and I always have them in my memories along with Kate" I murmured he covered his mouth and his eyes widened "Kate she didn't make it, oh my god sweetie I'm so sorry I was actually hoping you guys would get together" he said.

I chuckled "Well I'm actually married" I said he looked at me his eyes wide he smiled "To who?" He asked soon Carl walked in holding Judith, I heard him squeal as I was looking at him "Oh my god you two have a kid?!" He asked happily. I felt my face flush a bright red and I looked back at him shaking my head "No no no that's his sister Judith" I quickly said I could feel everyone looking at us, Eric chuckled "That's a shame" he said.

We sat there talking and catching up on everything that had happened I tried to avoid the topic of Kate but I could feel the weight of her bag attached to my back more and more, it was like it was asking me to look through it or something soon Aaron and everyone else walked in. Aaron ran at Eric hugging him tightly and kissing him I chuckled shaking my head with a smile "We'll rest for tonight and then head for Alexandra in the morning" Aaron said everyone nodded in agreement and me and Carl laid down on the far end of the area Carl holding Judith tightly in his arms. Soon I felt myself drifting into a deep slumber 'Maybe I'm not the last L/n I mean I'm married now, I may have the last name Grimes now but I'm still a L/n at heart' I thought before falling asleep fully.


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