Chapter twenty three

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Hours later
Y/n's Point Of View

Me,Tyreese, and Carol had been walking for hours we stopped every now and then to deal with Judith's diaper and feed her, we soon saw terminus "We should find a place to hide out" she said. I nodded in agreement and we started looking and soon I saw a little shack we headed in the direction and we entered the shack weapons in hand and ready for anything, once we knew the area was clear and safe we sighed relaxing.

"I'll go scouting around see if I can get anything, I'll leave my katana here just incase anything happens I'll bring my gun with me and I'll let off some shots if I'm in trouble" I said taking my katana off my torso, I hold it to Tyreese "You take it just in case you need it" I say walking out of the cabin.

I was walking along the fence I stopped looking inside to see if I could see anything I heard a click from behind me "Fuck..." I muttered, I turned around to see a guy "Ay calm down man, you from here" I asked pointing to the building he kept a cold glare at me "Yeah why?" He asked his gun stilled aimed at me.

"The sign nearby said 'Sanctuary for all' is that not true?" I asked crossing my arms he chuckled "It's true we just rarely get any females round here" he said putting his gun down, I glared at him "The hell is that supposed to mean?" I asked coldly he walked closer to me. Soon my back was against the fence I quickly pulled out my gun aiming it at his head he backed up looking at me "Whoah little girl, do ya even know bow to handle that thing?" He asked with a smirk.

I fired off a warning shot near his head I watched as he jumped in shock and fear "I'd back off before I blow your brains out" I hissed my gun still aimed at him, he held his hands in defense "I want inside the walls, and if I don't like it I'm leaving" I said. He nodded and I holstered my gun he led me to the gates of terminus, he let me in leading me to the main courtyard I looked around seeing people eating.

I looked around it seemed reasonably safe I looked down at a guys arm seeing Hershel's pocket watch I would recognize it anywhere, I grabbed the guy holding him by the neck and aiming it at his head "Where the fuck did you get this?!" I shouted. I heard a guy from behind me sigh "Your the second person to recognize that stupid shit" he muttered, I turned around looking at him "Who else recognized it?" I asked coldly.

He shrugged "Eh some Country guy with a kid about your age and a samurai" he said my eyes widened "Where are they now?!" I yelled, he smiled creepily "Exactly where your gonna be" he said. I felt something hard hit my head and I blacked out.


When I woke up again I was in a dark crate I looked around it was empty I started pounding on the doors "Hey fuckers let me out!" I hollered, I heard the sounds of groaning and soon the crate opened and I saw what I thought was a Walker. I soon realized it was Carol she looked at me "Y/n your alive!" She shouted, she stabbed a Walker in the head and dragged it into the crate she quickly closed it she cut the walker open "I promise we'll find you new clothes, in fact Tyreese has some for you. Let's cover you in these guts and get you the fuck outta here" she said.

I nodded in agreement and we started covering me in Walker blood and guts I started gagging "Oh this is fucking gross" I muttered, soon I was covered in guts we opened up the cart and the two of us jumped out. I watched as Walker's mad there way to the terminus people I chuckled watching them consume them, me and Carol started making our way back to the shack.

We soon made it back and the two of us walked into shack I stopped in my tracks seeing some strangers soon my eyes landed on a familiar hat, my eyes widened and I gasped Carl turned around his eyes watered as he saw me I ran into his arms hugging him tightly I didn't have any walker blood on my face. He looked at me holding my face and kissing me "I thought you where dead, i-i when I saw that tower blow up and I thought you where dead" he said sobbing, I was smiling crying as well "Carl I'm not gonna die that easily" I said smiling as tears continued rushing down my face. Everyone was aweing I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around seeing Tyreese he had an outfit in his hands "Here we found some clothes you might wanna change outta that" he said handing me the clothes, I laughed "Where do you expect me to change?" I asked he shrugged "Outside have Carl hold a blanket up for you or something" he said.

I looked over at Carl who was flushed a crimson red "Yeah I can do that, but don't expect me to cover my eyes" he said with a smirk, I rolled my eyes and walked out the clothes in hand Carl quickly followed me like a lost puppy. I looked at him as he held up the blanket I peeled off my clothes and I pulled on the black tank top and a black leather jacket with a pair of black leggings, Carl put the blanket down and I tied my combat boots.

I stood up and I looked over at Carl he was just staring af me his eyes full of happiness he pushed me up against the wall of the shack and kissed me deeply, he licked the bottom of my lip asking for entrance which I playfully denied he grabbed my hip making me gasp. He took this opportunity to stick his toung I'm my mouth the two of us fought for domanice and of course he won as usual, I heard walking from nearby and then I heard a voice "The hell you two doin we gotta move" I soon recognized the voice as Daryl. We quickly pulled away and looked af the older male he noticed that we where out of breath and pinched the bridge of his nose "Come on you two" he muttered walking off, I heard him sigh "Fuckin horny teenagers" he said loud enough for us to hear.

I let out a large laugh and we made our way to the front of the shack to see the group gathered out front, Carl grabbed hand intertwining our fingers soon the group parted leaving the shack and terminus behind.

Narrator's Point Of View

The group left the cannibals behind the two pairs of lovers hand in hand walking next to each other[Carl and you and Glenn and Maggie], Rick held his daughter in his arms he was smiling widely his soon saw a terminus sign. He grabbed something out of his pocket, he crossed out everything else leaving


The group then continued walking away from that hell. Y/n was getting acquainted with the new people they seemed decent and nice and they might officially join the family, she soon noticed something Bob and Sasha where holding hands she smiled 'Three couples' she thought she didn't know why she was counting bug it made her smile knowing that people could find love in a hell like this.


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