Chapter Thirty nine

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Carl's Point Of View

I was in the infirmary with Y/n they had cleaned off all the blood on her body she had multiple cuts on her body on her face as well, and they where deep so they'd definitely leave scars I had her hand gripped in mine Pete came in every once and a while to check on her. But he was drunk as hell so he had his apprentice Dennis come in and help she was super nice and kind, shy though after they where gone I focused hack on Y/n I hadn't left her side since she got back and I haven't eaten.

After about and hour of just sitting there I heard the door open I looked behind me to see Daryl he wasn't to happy with me, he didn't say a word to me or even look at me he went straight to Y/n I watched him closely. It looked like he was gonna cry 'Daryl doesn't cry, I've never seen the man cry he's as tough as nails' I thought, I then saw him wipe a tear off his face he looked at me "You better start treatin her better" he said and with that he was gone.

Y/n's Point Of View

I slowly opened my eyes and I looked around the room I saw Carl his head on the bed his hand holding onto mine I was sore as hell and my body and face stung like shit, I rubbed my hand across my face and there was a bandage on my cheek I tried getting my grip out of Carl's but once it was he shot up. He looked around and then stopped when his eyes landed on me he smiled tears brimming at his eyes, he stood up from his chair and hugged me "I'm sorry I'm so so so sorry" he sobbed while hugging me. I hugged him back "Me too" I murmured.

After just sitting there and hugging the door opend and Rick walked in we pulled away and I looked over at him "How you feelin?" He asked, I shrugged "Better then before, sore as shit head hurts. But I'll be okay" I replied he smiled "Good, this time I'm making sure your staying in Alexandria. You need to heal fully we can't lose you, your our strongest fighter" Rick said. I nodded understandably and with that Rick left I pulled my legs over the bed wanting to get up, Carl quickly rushed to my side and helped me up "Let's get you home and into some comfortable and less bloody clothes" he said I smiled and nodded.

Once me and Carl had made it to our house I walked upstairs to mine and his room while he went to the kitchen, I laid down on our bed with a large sigh I closed my eyes remembering what had happened while I was gone.

Hours earlier

I was walking through the woods cutting the heads off walkers and stabbing them I was in a complete blackout of anger, I was focused on the bodies falling and the groans and moans of the walkers "Come on you dead sacks of shit!" I shouted. Another walker walked out and I cut it in half I stopped to catch my breath a bit I was covered in Walker blood and I was sore as shit, it was a bad idea for me to be walking out here when I had just delt with an explosion and I had been thrown across a room.

I couldn't get my mind of Carl and that girl he was with seeing that happened broke my heart and was making me overthink a lot, I couldn't keep my mind off it 'Does he really love me? Or am I just something he'll throw away?' I asked myself. I heard more rustling and it sounded like a lot more walkers I backed up a bit and watched as walkers started coming out of the bushes, I started cutting the heads off and slicing them in half.

Once the walkers where gone I continued walking I kept replaying the scene in my head over and over I continued walking, I looked down at my hand that had my ring on it I sighed and then Kate popped in my mind. I pictured her body falling in my arms and me collapsing holding her, I let out a sob and I stopped near a river and I looked at it. I continued on my path to god knows where I had no clue where I was going or if I was going to even go back to Alexandria, I saw another walker and quickly killed it 'I probably should just leave Carl seems happy with that girl, maybe everything will be easier with me gone. I've heard some of the group members calling me unstable after Kate died' I thought.

I sat down my back against a tree 'Maybe they're all right, maybe I am unstable' I thought, I continued thinking of what I could do in a state like this I didn't want to hurt anyone in the group they're all my family Daryl,Glenn,Maggie,Michonne, Rick,Carl,Judith,Sasha,Carol,Eugene,Tara,Rosita,Abraham, even Gabriel in a way, Aaron my blood family, Eric his husband. The rest of the people in Alexandria I didn't consider family I might never consider them family, I didn't trust any of them and they all looked at the rest of us like we could kill them at any minute

I heard rustling from behind me I quickly stood up from my spot holding up my katana ready to kill another walker, a man soon walked out of some bushes he held his hands up in defense, I glared at him "Who the fuck are you?" I asked sternly my anger boiling throughout my body. The man chuckled and gave me a creepy smile "I'm Negan" he replied and ran at me, I felt something hit the side of my head and everything went black.


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