Chapter Forty six

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Y/n's Point Of View
A few weeks later

Maggie had announced she was pregnant Rick and Daryl had met a man named Jesus I didn't believe them when they said it but, he snuck into Rick's house let alone snuck into Alexandria which was weird since we fixed the wall and whatnot and those walls are hella tall. Rick was now talking with Jesus about his community Hilltop he said they where having problems with a group called the Saviors, he mentioned that their leaders name was Negan I remembered that name from the man who knocked me out and Daryl killed "Uh Jesus with all due respect Daryl killed Negan" I said. The man laughed and shook his head "They're all Negan" he said my eyes widened I was confused and shocked, Jesus continued and said he'd take us to Hilltop I quickly volunteered to go and so did Carl.

Rick signed and gave in "Fine, we leave tomorrow morning for Hilltop maybe we can help with the Saviours problem and get some food." Rick said looking at the people who where going, Jesus nodded "I'm sure Gregory would like that" the blue eyed man said, and with that we all departed me and Carl walked hand in hand back to our house the two of us walked inside "Well we should go grab a few things for Hilltop, we're gonna have one hella of a battle" I said putting my hair up in a low ponytail(If you have shorter hair ignore this). Carl nodded in agreement I walked upstairs and I grabbed my small backpack that had a few things I needed in it I stood there for a minute, I sighed everything in here was Kate's I pulled out her throwing knifes each of them had her name engrave on them.

Kate Winters

I took a deep breath and I pulled out the note that was in her bag I opened it and looked at the pictures she also left, I took a deep breath

I love you Y/n

I read that part over and over I observed her handwriting I could still hear her joyful laugh. I sighed and I put the note and pictures on the nightstand by my bed I pulled out another one of her guns, it had her favorite saying engraved on it

I save lives that's enough to risk mine

I smiled Hershel said that I wiped my tear away and I put her other gun in my holster I never expected to duel wield pistols like Kate, but I had a feeling I wasn't going to use them I sighed and I packed a few throwing knifes and a hunting

The next morning

I woke up early and I grabbed everything I woke up Carl who was of course grumpy cause who likes to be woken up early, I sat on the edge of my bed and I slipped on my combat boots Carl was fully awake now he grabbed his hat putting it on his shaggy brown hair. I looked over and smiled at him "I'll meet you by the gate hurry up" I said standing up and walking over him giving him a kiss on the cheek, he smiled and I ran downstairs heading outside and making my way to the gate where the Rv was parked. Rick, Michonne, Maggie, Glenn, Abraham, and then of course me and Carl where all going Abraham was already in the Rv and of course he was drinking I could see it from the door, I walked in and I grabbed the bottle out of his hand he looked at me I could see the anger.

"Get your shit together" I snapped throwing the bottle out the door I heard it smash and he looked at me, soon all that anger was replaced he started laughing "You got some massive balls kid" he said laughing again. I was confused but shrugged it off soon Carl walked in he still looked tired as hell he walked behind me since I was looking through the back room, he snaked his arms around my waist he picked me up and I squealed in shock he sat down on the bed so I was now on his lap.

He put his head in the crook of my neck "Have I ever told you how gorgeous you are" he murmured in my neck I felt the heat rising to my face, he started playing with my ring "Even though we've been together for so long, I still feel the way I felt when I first met you" I said softly I heard him chuckle. I rolled my eyes "You must be really in love with me then" he murmured, I smiled "Yeah of course how can I not be in love with you Carl" I said. Soon Rick and Michonne walked in Carl's mood instantly changed I'm not sure why, I got off him and soon everyone else was in the Rv including Jesus I smiled at the man and sat next to him "So Jesus tell me more about this Negan guy" I said.

His attention was quickly fixed to me "So we've never met the actual Negan, but I'm sure he's gonna be there." He said, I nodded and he continued explaining this Negan character.


Soon we made it to Hilltop on the way there we picked up some of Jesus's people I was sitting in the back with Doctor Carson, Maggie and Glenn, Glenn asked Doctor Carson about some vitamins me and Maggie where talking about the baby "For a boy I was thinking maybe we could name him after my daddy, and for a girl I was thinking maybe Kate" she said. That instantly made me smile "I like them both, oh I actually wanted to show you something" I said pulling out Kate's gun, I pointed to the engraving on it I saw her smile "My daddy used to say that to me and Beth when we got worried about him doin risky things, like when he got his leg cut off at the prison" she said teary eyed.

I smiled and soon the Rv came to a stop I got up and I looked out the window to see wooden walls everyone started getting out of the Rv, I followed after Carl and I stood next him looking at the walls of Hilltop.


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