Chapter Fifty four

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The next day
Y/n's Point Of View

I was awoken the next morning to slamming around the house I looked over at Carl who instantly shot out of bed he quickly pulled on some clothes and ran downstairs, me being a dumbass thinking it was one of our group members like Michonne or someone else I ran downstairs only wrapped in a sheet. Turns out it was one of Negans men I stood on the stairs the sheet wrapped around my body "Put it down before I put a bullet in your head" Carl hissed at the man, the mans eyes landed on me and he put down the couch "Ohhh~ look at this pretty thing. I think I'll take her instead" he said walking towards me.

Carl shot at the ground "Don't you fucking touch her" he said coldly soon our door was thrown open and Negan and Rick ran in, Rick looked over at us "Carl put the gun down" Rick said looking at him "When he leaves I will, this asshole wants Y/n and I ain't letting that happen" he said. Negan looked at his man and walked over to him punching him "We are here for supplies, not to steal the boys women now get the fuck outta here!" He shouted at the man, the man quickly got up and scurried off Negan looked at me "I truly apologize for Dave, he's a perv I'll make sure none of my men enter your house again" he said apologetically.

I was confused on why he was apologizing but before I could ask he was gone I felt a wave of nausea rush through me and I ran back up the stairs and into the bathroom, I bent over the toilet and puked Carl ran up the stairs and into the bathroom he pulled my hair away while I puked out my entire stomach. Once I was done I sat up "Fuck..." I muttered Carl helped me up and looked at me with concern "You okay?" He asked, I shrugged "I think I'm just sick I would say let's go check with the doctor, but Denise is dead" I muttered.

"We can sneak to Hilltop get you checked up, I wanna make sure it isn't anything bad. Plus we can check up on Maggie" he said, I sighed and nodded "Let's get over that wall" I said. I walked into our room and I threw the sheet onto the bed I pulled on my underwear and bra and grabbed my black leggings, I slid them on and grabbed my black tank top and leather jacket. I walked downstairs and I grabbed my katana and Kate's gun I put my katana around my torso and Kate's gun in my holster, Carl walked back downstairs he had on a pair of jeans with a flannel and his hat I smiled "We should probably head out back so no one sees us, then climb over the wall" I said.

Carl nodded in agreement and we walked out the back door Negans men where still around me and Carl slowly made our way to the wall, once we got to one of the pillars I climbed up Carl right behind me I slid down a pillar and landed on the ground "We should find a car, Negans men will hear us. So for now let's travel on foot till we find a car" I said.


We finally found a car and Carl was driving I was looking out the window with a sigh "Is that Enid?" Carl asked, I looked forward seeing the brown haired girl fighting with a Walker "Hold on baby" he said. We started speeding up and next thing ya know we crashed into the walker blood splattered on the windshield, I was in complete shock Carl rolled down the window "Need a ride?" He asked Enid with a chuckle, I crossed my arms irritated "Kinda can't drive this shit anymore it's totaled" I hissed getting out of the car and slamming it shut.

Carl got out as well I was already heading in the direction of Hilltop while Carl talked with Enid about a few minutes later, I looked behind me to see Carl and Enid rollerblading and the thing that made me the most mad. They where holding hands I looked at my ring and sighed I heard the groan of a Walker and I pulled out my katana, and I cut the walker in half I continued walking trying to get away from them.

Soon we had made it to the dirt road leading to Hilltop I saw Enid and Carl sitting on a Rock in the woods I watched as they leaned in to each other, it felt like everything happened in slow motion I watched as their lips met into a kiss. I felt my entire heart shatter Carl saw me watching and he pushed her away running in my direction, I quickly turned away and I started running for the gates soon I made it to the gate and spears where pointing right at me "Hey its Y/n from Alexandria, I'm here to see Maggie" I shouted at them. Their spears where pointed down and the gates opened and I saw Maggie standing there I ran up to her hugging her, I heard her chuckle "Good to see you too Y/n, now what are you really doing here you can't just be here to see me." She said.

I looked down "I need to see doctor Carson, I puked up my entire stomach today and Carl wanted to get it checked out. We don't have a doctor in Alexandria since Denise is dead" I explained she nodded "Well where's Carl now?" She asked looking around, I felt my stomach twist remembering the scene "Probably stuffing his face to Enids" I muttered. She looked down at me sympathetically "Lets hurry and get you to Carson" she said leading me to the trailer, she opened the door and Carson was looking through his medical supplies he looked up and smiled "Hello Maggie, and Maggie's friend" he said kindly.

"Hey Carson Y/n here was having a bit of mornin sickness and we wanted you to check it out" she said with a smile he nodded "Alrighty" he said walking over to me, Maggie rubbed my back "I'll go get you some food wait here" she said I nodded and sat down on a chair. Carson brought me a cup of water I took it and slowly started sipping it "Now when did this start happening?" He asked "It started this morning" I answered, he nodded and soon Maggie walked walked back in with a plate of cheese and crackers I smiled taking the plate.

I felt another wave of nausea rush through my body I quickly put the plate down and my hands over my mouth, I quickly stood up walking outside I bent over and puked again Maggie was rubbing my back "Y/n strange question but have you erm had sex recently?" She asked. After I finished puking up my intestines I looked at her and nodded slowly "Did you use protection?" She asked, I shook my head slowly and she dragged me inside "Carson I need a pregnancy test ASAP" she said.

Carson left and came back with a box he handed me the box and Maggie pushed me into the bathroom "Take three of those and then come back out" she said, I nodded and I read the instructions and did exactly what it said "The box says to wait fifteen minutes" I called out "Then it's the waiting game!" Maggie shouted from outside.

Every minute felt like an hour soon it was past fifteen minutes I had the tests in hand and I handed them to Maggie "I-i can't look" I stuttered out, she took the tests and looked at each of them she looked back up at me I couldn't really read her expression

"Y/n your pregnant"


This World Was Made For Us\Carl Grimes X Reader/Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt