Chapter twenty two

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Y/n's Point Of View

I woke up the next morning Judith still held tightly in my arms she was awake and playing with my hair I smiled and sat up yawning, I picked up Jude and smiled "Hey Jude" I said getting out of bed and walking downstairs. Carol was in the kitchen with the girls and Tyreese was sitting by the fire reading, it felt like everything was normal and there weren't corpses walking around and eating the living. I gave Judith to Tyreese "I'm gonna go on a quick run all be back soon" I said he nodded and I ran back upstairs grabbing my katana, I ran back downstairs and out the door I made my way to the train tracks following them to see if I could find a town.

After walking for a bit I found a sign

for all
For all
Those who arrive

There was a map there with the words 'terminus' it didn't sound like good news to me, I continued walking for a while I found a duffle bag hanging off the train tracks I used the unsharp end of my katana. I lifted it up to me grabbing it I opened it to see cans of food my eyes lit up and I started carrying the bag back to the house, I was pretty far away so it was gonna be a while before I got back.

When the house came into view I saw Carol and Tyreese talking with Lizzie I ran over to see what was happening and I soon saw Mika, she had been stabbed in the heart I looked at Lizzie who was covered in her own sister's blood. My eyes where watering as I looked down at Mika's pale body Tyreese handed me Judith and told me to go inside "Don't worry she'll come back I didn't harm her brain" I heard Lizzie say as I walked away.

I walked inside with Judith I was holding tight onto her 'She was gonna do it to Judith next.....' I thought I sat down on the chair in front of the fireplace, Tyreese had just walked back in from burying Mika I heard a loud gunshot ring throughout the area. I flinched still holding onto Judith about an hour or more later Carol came back inside "We should probably get outta here" she suggested, I nodded in agreement and we packed up our things Tyreese put Judith in a makeshift carrier and had her strapped to his chest.

"I saw a sign that said something about civilization, a place called terminus maybe the rest of the group found it" I suggested as we started walking on the train track, Carol looked at me "We'll scout around it first see if it's actually safe" she said. I nodded and we continued walking towards the sign I saw 'Maybe Carl is there, oh god I hope he is' I thought hopefully.

Carl's Point Of View

Me and my dad walked in silence we where in a nearby neighborhood I sighed I still had tears falling down my face 'Maybe she isn't dead she has to be alive she's a fighter' I thought hopefully, my dad was wounded and limping from the fight it was getting dark and we decided to finally take shelter in a house. We blocked off the door with the couch and my dad collapsed on it, I had my silenced pistol in hand as I searched the house for any walkers. I walked upstairs and I let out a sigh I made my way back down the stairs heading into the kitchen, I raided the pantry hoping to find any food and with my luck I found two cans of food. I made my way back to the livingroom and I handed my dad a can he gladly took it sitting up weakly, I opened my can and slowly ate it "Dad I need to go back to the prison and see if she's alive. Maybe she's still in the tower laying there wounded I need to che-" he quickly cut me off before I could finish my sentence.

"NO, your not going back there we need to keep moving away from there. I'm not losing you too Carl I've already lost your mother and sister I'm not losing my son too" he snapped, I glared at him and I got up walking away from him I heard him surpress a sigh. I made my way up the stairs and I sat down on the top step, I heard my dad muttering things under his breath.

The next morning

I woke up and looked around I had fallen asleep on the stairs leaning against a wall I got up seeing my dad passed out on the couch, I tried shaking him awake but he didn't budge "Dad come on wake up" I said shaking him I sighed. I heard banging at the door my eyes widen and I slowly pulled the curtain back to see two walkers banging on the door, I made my way upstairs to the second floor I climbed out of the second floor window making it onto the roof.

I jumped down from the second story expecting the fall to be smoother I fell on my back and the walkers started trudging in my direction, one of the walkers fell on me I quickly shoot it in the head. I scramble back as the second walker fell off the porch, I tried getting up but the walker grabbed ahold of my leg I grabbed my gun shooting it in the head. I stood up  letting out a large sigh I started walking down the street my gun in hand, I made my way into a random house.

I carefully started walking up the stairs I walked into a room I opened the door to the room and I started looking around, I felt something grab my leg and I fell to the floor in shock my eyes wide there was a Walker on the ground crawling for me. I started pulling my leg away trying to get away from it my shoe came off and I quickly got up running away, I closed the door I saw a piece of yellow chalk on the ground and I picked it up writing on the door

Walker inside
Got my shoe
Didn't get me

I made my way downstairs in only one shoe I started raiding the kitchen I stood on a chair and my eyes lit up, I grabbed the can of pudding and I climbed down and I grabbed a spoon. I made my way up the stairs and into a room I opened up the window fully and I climbed onto the roof, the walker was up trying to get out of the partially opened window I sat down on the roof and opened the can of pudding. I slowly started eating the chocolate pudding listening to the sounds of the walker from inside, and the blowing of the wind.


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