Chapter Forty one

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Y/n's Point Of View

It was later that night after the whole inception with Pete Deanna was gathering the community to talk about what happened, apparently after me and Carl had left Rick started aiming a gun at people and saying some weird and scary stuff. He was now in a room away from everyone else in the group and Pete was in another house, me and Carl didn't go to the gathering because I didn't wanna hear any of the bullshit that was gonna come out of that. Me and Carl where watching Judith I smiled watching Carl hold her I was sitting on the couch cleaning any dried blood off my katana, I soon heard screaming from the meeting area and then followed my a gunshot I quickly shot off the couch and I ran out of the house my katana in hand.

I stopped in the light my katana held up Rick had his gun aimed at a now dead Pete I lowered my katana my eyes wide, Deanna was sobbing while holding her husband Reg's limp and dead body there was also a Walker body among them. I looked up at Rick in shock he still had his gaze on Pete's body Deanna was still sobbing holding her husband's body "No no no my love" she sobbed over and over, the rest of the night was chaotic.

I was making my way back to mine and Carl's house when I was stopped by the brown haird girl who was with Carl, I glared at her "What do you want?" I asked rudely anger flaring in my eyes. She poked my chest pushing me back slightly "Back off Carl he's mine" she hissed, I laughed and held up my hand that had my ring "He's yours? Really I'm pretty sure that I'm his wife and not you" I retorted shoving her to the ground. I turned around walking away from her heading to mine and Carl's house I walked inside and Carl walked up to me and I felt all my anger go away then I noticed he didn't have Judith "Where's Jude?" I asked "Sleeping what happened to look upset" he said, I felt all my anger come back.

"That girl needs to back the fuck off or she's gonna end up a fucking walkers lunch" I hissed Carl rubbed my back in a comforting way "Baby calm down, it's been a long night let's go get some sleep. I also don't want Judith to wake up and role on the bed" he said and then quickly made his way upstairs, I slowly followed him soon I made it into our room and Carl was laying down on the bed next to Judith I looked in the mirror in our bedroom my cheek was staring to turn purple and black. I sighed and I slipped off my shoes and I made my way over to the bed, I laid down next to Judith with Carl on the other side so she was in the middle I soon felt myself drifting into a deep slumber.

Narrator's Point Of View

The community of Alexandria was fast asleep besides the guards at the gate Enid the girl who was crushing on Carl left him a note on him and Y/n's door, little did Y/n know that her and Carl had a little moment while Y/n was in the infirmary resting or working. The note said

Just survive somehow

The brown haired girl pushed herself over the wall and with that she was gone, and here comes something bad very very bad the community was in grave danger but someone was coming to help. This person is someone Rick never expected to see again someone who has changed from the last time, someone who has lost a lot but is about to gain a new family a peace maker.

Now back to the community Y/n is having a hard time sleeping she keeps waking up in the middle of the night, she can't get her mind off the Negan person who knocked her out and gave her the gnarly scar on her face. She forced herself to go back to sleep she was most likely going to head out on a run tomorrow or something, something to keep her mind off everything that's been happening.

The next morning

Everyone was slowly waking up that night the peace maker came it was Morgan the man Carl had shot and the man they took some supplies from so they could fight the Governor, the man that saved Rick's life turns out Rick had left him maps to find us because Rick believed that Morgan would come through and find them and he did. Rick talked with Morgan a lot and later that day they took out Pete's body away from Alexandria "Maybe we just leave him here" Rick said Morgan looked at him holding his stick like a staff "That's not who you are, I know" he said looking towards Rick, Morgan started walking away " don't" Rick said.

The two held eye contact for a bit and Morgan nodded walking further and setting his stuff down he grabbed a shovel and started digging "Morgan..." No answer he just kept digging "Morgan....Stop" he said again walking towards him and grabbing his shoulder, the man stopped looking at him "Do you hear that?" He asked Rick started walking in a direction of the sound.

They walked to a small clearing and to the edge of a cliff what they saw was extremely shocking it was a Horde of walkers, it filt up the entire area it was the size of three herds or more they heard walkers from behind them and they saw the one and only Ron heading in they're direction with about four walkers behind him. They watched as he fell and he neared the edge Rick ran at the boy pushing him behind a rock so he didn't fall over the edge only two of the walkers fell in Rick shot one of them while Morgan killed the other one, Rick and Morgan looked down at Ron and then back to the horde of walkers.

They may have been doomed.


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