Chapter six

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Y/n's Point of View

I was laying in the back of the truck where making out way towards a highway where they lost Sophia apparently I sighed closing my eyes, I felt someone's gaze burning my face but ignored it I slowly felt myself drifting into a slumber.

Carl's Point Of View

I looked down at Y/n noticing that she had closed her eyes I just started at her examining her features, her beautiful soft h/c was down and little pieces where on her face I looked at her soft pink lips and sighed 'Stop thinking like that you fool, theres no way she would like me. Plus I only ment her like a month ago or more' soon trh truck came to a stop I looked up and realized I had been staring at her the entire time we drove. It was slightly lighter outside and we where on the highway now I gently shook Y/n awake "Y/n.......Y/n wake up we're here" I said softly, I watched as her beautiful e/c eyes opened she sat up and rubbed her eyes yawning tiredly "Where are we?" She asked looking at me her voice soft and cute 'God she's cute'  I thought. I instantly felt my face burn a crimson red "U-uh we're on the highway" I stuttered quietly  she quickly woke up more and jumped out of the truck, she was probably gonna to look for Kate I opened the back of the truck climbing out I looked around out group for my mom I soon saw her talking with Carol. I quickly ran up to her hugging her "Oh my god Carl, thank god your okay" she said hugging me tightly I smiled "Did you hurt your stomach?" I asked. At first I was mad at her for getting pregnant and Y/n talked to me about it and I realized how selfish I was, after talking with my mom I looked around seeing Kate and and Y/n talking I was gonna approach them but decided not to, I made my way to the truck that my dad had brought I sat down in the back and I took off my hat I took my gun out of my holster. I looked at my gun and I opened the barrel checking to see how many bullets I had '2' I thought, I looked around for my dad seeing him talking with Daryl I got up walking over to him "Dad, I need more bullets. I'm down to two" I said. My dad looked down at me sighing "There should be some in the front seat of the truck I brought" he said, I nodded and ran off heading to truck I throw open the door and I grab the box of bullets I jumped out of the truck closing the door.

I turned around quickly to be greeted by Y/n I jumped in shock "Y-Y/n you scared me" I said I still hadn't forgotten about what I thought about, she smiled sweetly at me and ruffled my brown hair "Hey cowboy" she said smiling sweetly 'Her smile could light up a whole room' I thought I quickly snapped myself out of my thoughts. I smiled at her "Hey Y/n" I said smiling slightly "Hey wanna go walk around with me, I was gonna check the highway to see if any walkers where around" she said, I nodded quickly and put my gun in the back of the truck and pulling out my knife my dad gave me. She smiled and the two of us made our way away from everyone and checking everything for supplies since there where a lot of cars here.

Narrator's Point Of View

The two friends where far from the group by now probably at the end of the highway or close to it, Y/n was fighting with a Walker and Carl was heading to help her when she kicked the walkers leg breaking it and causing it to fall go the ground she quickly pulled her knife from her holster and stabbed it in the head. She sighed wiping her forehead "Nice kill" Carl said walking over to her she smiled slightly "Thanks" she replied, she used her knife instead of her katana since her katana was longer and would probably get caught somewhere.

The two continued scavenging soon Y/n came across a car and she peaked in she saw a baby's carseat it was all bloody she felt a wave of sadness rush over her, she sighed and looked around for any baby supplies she found a few diapers and half a can of formula and a full can. She grabed the nearest bag and shoved everything in she crawled out of the car and continued searching cars, Carl was nearby and saw Y/n he observed her quietly he was completely lost in his thoughts 'I think I love this girl, even though I've just met her. It's insane" he thought. He quickly shook himself out of his thoughts and and started looking through some more cars he heard some groaning of a Walker and pulled out his knife, he saw the Walker slowly walking towards him he ran at the walker quickly putting the knife in it skull. He sighed and looked around for Y/n he soon saw her looking through a car "Y/n" he called approaching her, she turned around looking at him "Yeah?" She questioned "We should head back I feel like we have enough" he said. She nodded agreeing with him the two started making their way back to the group, they where talking about random things Carl had the urge to tell this girl that he loved her but he wasn't sure how she would react.

Y/n's Point Of View

Once me and Carl made it back to the group everyone was packing up to leave and piling into the cars, I had managed to gather two bags of stuff mainly some food and clothing along with blankets. I sighed tossing my bags in the back of the truck Rick brought, I climbed in the back soon Carl threw his bag in and climbed in. I opened the window "So where the hell are we headin?" I asked him, Rick shrugged "I have no clue we just gotta keep moving till we find a place big enough for all of us" he said. I sighed and I laid down in the truck "I'm gonna get some more sleep wake me up when we stopped or if something happened"  I said, I saw Carl nod he had his hat back on now he seemed relaxed and calm I closed my eyes slowly drifting into a deep slumber.


I hope you enjoyed ♡

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