Chapter forty three

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Y/n's Point Of View

By now night had fallen and all I could smell was burning flesh Rick and the others still hadn't come back and I was worried, I sighed and I grabbed some of Judith's stuff and I put it in a back I slung the bag over my shoulder and I grabbed Judith with one hand and my katana in the other. I was pretty upset at Carl he liked Enid and I could tell cause before we dated and got married he gave me the same exact look, I walked downstairs with Judith in my arms I walked past Carl and Enid "Where you going?" He asked I stopped looking at him my expression cold.

"Away from you and HER" I said coldly and like that I was gone I walked over to me and Carl's house and I closed and locked the door, I set Judith down on the ground with some toys she sat ther playing with them and babbling like babies do. I sat down on the couch I grabbed a book i was reading and opend it i started reading from where I left off, before I could get deep into the book Judith started crying I put my book down and I picked her up "You hungry love?" I cooed sweetly she almost gave me a nod. I smiled and I bent down grabbing the bag getting a jar of applesauce and a baby spoon, I sat down on the couch with Judith in my lap I was smiling wildly as I fed her.

"You look just as beautiful as your mother" I murmured I heard a knock on the door and I sighed putting her food down and picking her up, I unlocked and opened the door to see Carl "What?" I asked coldly "Why are you mad at me, what did I even do?" He asked I bit of anger in his voice. I laughed "Carl Grimes I'm not blind, you clearly like Enid I can tell by the way you look at her" I said angrily, he was taken back by my words "Well I don't like her, I'm married to you not her. I love you and no one else she's the one who likes me" he said trying to reassure me. I heaved a large sigh "I'm going to bed today has been shit I need to sleep" I muttered, I walked away hoping for him to walk in but instead I heard the door close I turn around ar Carl wasn't there.

I walked upstairs Judith still held in my arms I sat down in the bed and rocked her back and forth, she looked at me she was wide awake and wouldn't sleep I sighed and started singing softly  "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine,you make me happy when skies are gray You'll never know dear, how much I love you.Please don't take my sunshine away" I sing softly. I looked back down at Judith she was now asleep I smiled I laid her down I grabbed my hunting knife and I laid down next to Judith the hunting knife under my pillow, I wrapped my arms around Judith and I started crying silently so she wouldn't wake up I soon felt myself drifting into a tear soaked slumber.

The next morning

I woke up the next morning my face stained with tears Judith was moving around which caused me to wake up I opend my eyes and sighed I got up changing her diaper and her outfit, I picked her up and walked downstairs I stopped in my tracks when I saw Carl peacefully sleeping on the couch. I walked into the kitchen and I set Judith down on the ground I ran back to the livingroom and grabbed her toys, I set them down in front of her and I started making me and her some food she couldn't eat hard foods so it was soft foods like mashed potatoes along with some applesauce and whatnot. I heard a knock at the door and I picked up Judith heading to the door I opened the door to come face to face with Ron, I gave him a small smile "Hey Y/n have you seen Enid?" He asked I shook my head "Not since she was with Carl" I replied he nodded and saw Carl asleep on the couch "Surprised he isn't in your guys room" he said with a small chuckle.

"I slept up there with Judith, just the two of us I don't know when Carl came home. I don't care anyway he made his choice" I said with a shrug, he nodded and like that he was gone I closed the door and I went back to the kitchen setting Judith down with her toys.

About an hour later I heard groaning from the livingroom I turned around and saw Carl slowly waking up, I picked up Judith and took her to him "Watch her, I don't care if you just woke up." I said setting her down. Carl looked at me tiredly and nodded slowly I walked out of the house with only my hunting knife and Kate's gun, I walked over to a guard post Deanna was up there and I decided to join her she looked lost in thought. She yelped seeing me I just gave her a small nod and I started looking around my eyes landed on a herd of walkers heading in our direction but there was one that stood out to me the most, it wasn't even a Walker it was a person.

'Rick' I thought I could hear him yelling open the gates I quickly climbed down and ran to the gate Michonne was already ther opening it, Rick tumbled in falling to the ground me and Michonne quickly closed the gate walkers where desperately trying to get in. Michonne cut the hands off and closed the other part of the gate everyone looked over at Rick, his was exhausted and bloody and might I say extremely sweaty he was panting out of breath I climbed up the guard tower and I looked at the walkers at the wall.

We where trapped.


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