Chapter twenty six

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A/N- I'll be doing this chapter mainly in the narrator's point of View so I can get both perspectives it's easier then switching back and forth between the two, also I had to look up how to actually do this shit but ya know I'm 15 idk what the hell I'm doin.

Narrator's Point Of View

Y/n walked down the isle Daryl at her side he didn't bother getting dressed for the wedding he liked his original look, halfway down the isle the two stopped Daryl hugged the teenager with a smile "I'm proud of you kid" he whispered and walked away sitting down in one of the rows.

She continued walking after Daryl had left she looked at Carl she was smiling widely she stood across him holding his hands, the two locked eyes for a second before looking at Gabriel "Dear friends and family, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Y/n L/n and Carl Grimes in marriage. In the years they have been together even though it has been short, their love and understanding of each other has grown and matured, and now they have decided to live their lives together as husband and wife" he said looking at the two teenagers

He continued "Do you Carl Grimes, take Y/n L/n to be your lawfully wedded wife, promising to love and cherish, through joy and sorrow, sickness and health, and whatever challenges you may face in this world, for as long as you both shall live?" He asked looking at Carl, the burnette smiled "I do" he replied.

Gabriel then looked at the beautiful h/c haired girl "And do you Y/n L/n , take Carl Grimes to be your lawfully wedded husband, promising to love and cherish, through joy and sorrow, sickness and health, and whatever challenges you may face in this world, for as long as you both shall live?" He asked looking at the girl, she smiled widely and nodded "I do" she replied. Tara ran over the two rings in hand I grabbed the golden one and Carl grabbed the one he got for me, he grabbed my hand sticking the ring on my ring finger and I did the same to him "And now, by the power vested in me, I hereby pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride" he said with a smile.

Carl grabbed the beautiful girl pulling her close and kissing her deeply deeply there wasclapping and cheering from the others soon the two of them pulled away, they looked back at the group happy smiles on there faces Rick had a tear fall down his face he was so proud of his son. Michonne was smiling Judith in her arms the baby was clapping it was like she knew what was going on, the two walked off the podium and Rick walked up to the two of them hugging them tightly.

"Lori would be so happy for the both of you" he said looking at the two of them Kate ran up to Y/n and engulfed her in a tight hug "Y/n your mom and dad would be so happy for you"  she said hugging her tightly, Y/n smiled tears at her eyes Gabriel walked up to them with a smile "You two can stay in my office tonight" he said with a smile.

The couple smiled and gathered their things and moved them into the office they set up a nice small bed for the two, Y/n took off her combat boots and peeled off her dress Carl stood there admiring her body. The beautiful female pulled a tshirt over her head and put on a pair of shorts she looked back at Carl and smiled, she walked up to him and hugged him.

The male smiled "Well I guess I can officially call you my wife" he said softly  the female blushed even though they had been together for so long, he still made her flustered she chuckled.

Y/n's Point Of View

"Carl I love you so much" I murmured sweetly he chuckled and cupped my face in his hands "This world was made for us. We were meant to be together. To fight together, to make it through this hell together." he replied, holding my face in his hands still. His blue eyes looking into my e/c eyes . "I'll love you for as long as I live". He said finishing his semi rant "Sorry I really needed to get that off my chest" he murmured, I chuckled and I kissed his cheek "Come on let's get some rest we have work to do tomorrow, me and you can go out and scavenge while your dad takes some others to that food bank thing" I said softly.

He chuckles and the two of us lay down on the makeshift bed Carl grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him, I heard him chuckle "Y/n Grimes, I like the sound of that" he murmured quietly. I smiled "I like that sound of that as well" I whispered softly, soon I was pulled into a dark slumber Carl was rubbing my back with his hand.

Carl's Point Of View

I heard Y/n snoring quietly I chuckled and continued rubbing her back with my hand 'God I love this girl so much, I'm so glad I can call her my wife. My girl. We may be young when we did this but you never know when you'll die, I could die today, tomorrow anyday. Same with Y/n' I sigh, I was so worried that I would lose her if I lost her I wouldn't know what go do.

I looked at the sleeping girl 'God she gorgeous' I thought with a happy smile, I kissed her forehead and I watched her move slightly. I chuckle and I close my eyes drifting into a deep slumber, I was happy to have the one girl I loved more than anything was at my side.


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