Chapter twenty five

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Y/n's Point Of View

We soon made it back to the church we walked inside and everyone looked over at us and I felt a wave of nervousness rush through my body, Carl was smiling like an absolute idiot "Everyone I have some great news" he announced loudly the happiness thick in his voice. He looked at me smiling and and then looked back to the group "Me and Y/n are engaged kinda, and we where hoping Gabriel will wed us" he said looking at the priest.

The man looked up from where he was and smiled widely "Yes of course, I'd love to" he said Rick walked over to the two of us Judith held in his arms "Carl......are you sure you wanna do this, your only about 15 now" he said looking at his son. Carl nodded "Im positive dad, if I die I wanna know that my girlfriend has our last name and that I can officially call her mine" he replied, Rick sighed "Well you'll need this" he said taking off his wedding ring the two of us looked at him in shock "Rick are you su-" he quickly cut me off "I'm sure Y/n Carl was gonna have it one day anyway" he said with a smile.

I smiled and hugged him tightly he hugged me back and I felt my hair being pulled by Judith I pulled away and smiled "Thank you Rick" I said slightly tearing up "Welp what are we waiting for? Let's get planning!" I heard Tara yell, I laughed and Rosita and Carol walked up to me Carol hugged me tightly and smiled "I knew you two would get married, no matter what age Lori would be so happy" she said with a happy smile as she pulled away.

Rosita chuckled "Come on girl let's go find you a dress and maybe some flowers" she said grabbing my wrist and dragging me outside, I looked at Carl as I was dragged away I smiled at him and followed Rosita outside.

An hour later

It was pretty dark by now as soon as we left Kate came running out with a gun asking to help I agreed, soon we made it back to the church I had a basic dress(One above ignore the coat), it wasn't a wedding dress but let's be real here where the hell are we gonna find a wedding dress. I had it hidden in my bag I opened the church doors and I looked around my eyes lit up, it was decorated with some basic yellow Christmas lights the whole area had been cleaned up and surprisingly there were some flowers around.

Tara saw me and skipped over to me with a smile "How do you like it?" She asked stopping in front of me with a smile, I hugged her tightly "I love it, where's Carl?" I asked looking around for the burnette. She chuckled "Getting ready in that room there, but you can't see him. We are doin this tonight no matter how late it is, now go get ready in Gabriel's office theres a bucket of clean water in there. Cold but itll do I'll send someone in to do your hair and then we'll bring you outside and, have someone walk you down the isle" she explained.

I nodded and I walked off heading into Gabriel's office I took off my boots and I peeled off my dirty clothes I sighed throwing them to the ground I splashed some water on my face washing off the dirt, I shivered and I got my hair wet squeezing the water out I watched as all the dirt came out. I sighed and finished Semi washing my hair and I grabbed the dress, I pulled it over myself and I grabbed my combat boots putting them on and tying them.

I heard a knock on the door and Rosita, Tara, Carol and Kate all walked in, I chuckled and the girls ran to me we all started talking and getting ready Kate took my ring since we kinda needed it for the wedding and everything.

Narrator's Point Of View

The girls where getting Y/n ready they braided her hair and managed to put it in a bun she was writing down her vows for the wedding, she had never been more excited Kate was there throwing in a few ideas for what to say if she wanted to even say anything. The two bestfriends argued about what to say joking around and messing around with each other, Carl on the other hand was talking with Rick asking him for help on what to say after the wedding when the two where alone or during the wedding Carl was panicked and freaked out worried that he might say something wrong.

"Carl everything will be okay, she'll love you no matter what you say I can tell you that much. There's no need to panic about vows" he said, the burnette boy sighed looking at his father. The two continued talking about what he should say in the main room Gabriel was getting ready for the ceremony, the man had never been happier he was so excited to preforming this ceremony. Michonne was holding Judith lost in thoughts she was so happy for Carl she always thought of him as her son her bestfriend, she smiled at Judith who was playing with her braids.

Daryl was leaning against the door frame isolating himself he was truly happy for Y/n he always saw the young girl as his daughter, the male smiled slightly as he saw Y/n walking out of the room she made her way to the entrance where he was. She smiled at him as she walked past and he followed her out he wanted to ask to walk her down the isle since well her dad was dead, everyone began sitting down Carl and Rick walked out of the spare room.

Carl was still in his normal outfit jeans and a flannel his face was clean from any dirt and his long hair was pushed behind his ears, he stood on the podium next to Gabriel soon the church doors opened and the beautiful ceremony would begin.


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