Chapter Thirty four

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Y/n's Point Of View

Soon our clothes had finished being washed I grabbed everything out of the dryer and I walked upstairs Carl was walking around the room he had been walking around the entire house, I put our clothes on the bed and I grabbed my bra pulling it over my head and on my body it was a bit big but that really didn't matter. I put on my black tank top and leather Jacket I pulled on my panties and leggings and smiled, it felt like it was a normal day at home I heard a knock downstairs and I opened the door to see a blonde girl she had a bag in her hands.

"Hi I'm Jessie I heard that some new people where here and I thought that maybe one of yall would like a haircut" she said with a sweet smile, I smile happily "I would actually love a haircut, my hair hair is getting to long actually. Oh and my name is Y/n by the way" I said with a smile she smiled and I lead her to the kitkitchen and I sat down in a chair and she got right to work.

After a while of her working she had cut my hair it was d/l(Desired length) I smiled and ran my hands through my hair with a smile, I stood up smiling at her "Thank you so much" I said kindly Jessie smiled "Your welcome, well I best be on my way" she said and with that she was gone. I heard Carl walking down the stairs and I turned around looking at him with a smile he noticed my hair and walked up to me running his hands through my hair "Your so fucking beautiful" he murmured softly, I gave him a quick kiss and I walked into the kitchen and I looked in the fridge there was some food in there but not alot.

I grabbed anything that I could make into a good meal I smiled and pulled out a ziploc back that had what looked like homemade dough, it looked ready to cook and whatnot since the bag was puffed up and everything. I put the bag on the counter and I looked through the pantry finding some chocolate chips, along with the cinnamon and brown sugar that I needed I put everything on the counter and grabbed out the oil.

I looked over at Carl who was watching my every move I chuckled and I heard another knock on the door I quickly walked out of the kitchen past Carl, I opened the door to see a man with slight stubble he smiled kindly "Hi I'm Spencer my mom is ready for you" he said looking me up and down. I ignored the looks he gave me and smiled "Okay Carl I'll be right back I'm doing my interview with Deanna!" I yelled to him I heard him yell a response.

I looked back at Spencer and the two of us walked off "So what's your name?" He asked as we started walking towards a large house "Y/n. Y/n Grimes" I replied, he nodded "I'm guessing your Rick's daughter" he said I laughed shaking my head. I looked up at him and he was looking at me confused "I'm married to his son Carl" I said, he quickly looked away I was slightly confused soon we where in front of the house Spencer led me inside and I saw Deanna sitting on the couch.

She smiled when she saw me "Ah welcome, I never got your name what is it?" Shs asked sitting down in a chair I sat down on the couch across from her "It's Y/n. Y/n Grimes" I replied kindly, she smiled "I'm guessing your Rick's other daughter" she guessed I shook my head with a chuckle "No I'm actually married to his son Carl" I replied. I saw her eyes light up as I showed her the ring on my finger "Oh my gosh, I'm so glad young people can find love in a crazy world like this" she said smiling.


After my interview with Deanna I left her house I saw Spencer outside waiting he quickly walked over to me as soon as I walked out "So Y/n how long have you and Carl been together?" He asked, I thought for a while "Uh since I was 13 and he was 14. I'm 15 now and he's about 16 so about two years I believe" I replied he nodded "How long have you guys been married?" He asks. I shrugged "A few days maybe a week" I replied with a shrug he nodded and we continued walking awkwardly, soon we made it to mine and Carl's house I opened the door letting Spencer follow me inside.

Carl was sitting on the couch with Judith I smiled and he got up hugging me "Deanna is ready to see you, Spencer here will take you there. Do you want me to keep Judith or do you wanna take her?" I asked "I'll take her, I'll be back soon" he said giving me a quick kiss and the three left the house. I walked in the kitchen and I went back to doing what I was doing before Spencer came and got me to do my interview with Deanna.


Soon I had finished cooking the Churros I was making I had them set out on a plate I heard the door open and my face lit up I ran out of the kitchen and jumped on Carl, he easily held me up "I made fooooodddd" I said giggling he smiled and I let go of him running into the kitchen. He walked in with a smile on his face his beautiful blue eyes lit up when he saw the Churros, he quickly took a bite and smiled "These are fucking amazing!" He said with his mouth full of food I grabbed the plate and walked off.

"HEY COME BACK HERE!" He shouted I laughed and ran upstairs the plate in my hands I ran into our room and sat down on the bed setting the plate on my lap, Carl ran into our room and collapsed on the bed. Throughout the rest of the day me and Carl relaxed and ate the Churros I had made, luckily there was a lot of food here but I was going to need to find a way to go out on a run I didn't want to be trapped here inside these walls like walkers weren't tryna eat us.


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