24: The Package

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HENRY quickly hangs up on Lillian while running his sweaty hand over his hair. The 15th of February was the day Brena found out about Victoria.

"What the hell did I just do?"

He mumbles through gritted teeth as the guilt washes over his body making him punch the steering wheel repeatedly with all his strength.

Now resting his head inside the palm of his hands, he contemplates the decision of going straight to the hospital to see Brena or to call Victoria to alert her on the situation at hand.

Henry slowly lifts his head and straightens his tie as he reaches for the iced coffee from Starbucks that sat in the cupholder. He presses the button that lowers the window.

Tossing it out the window with aggression, he pulls out of the spot he was parked in and zooms down the street as the noise of the screeching tires disrupted the silence in the area.

In less than 30 minutes, Henry is getting closer to the hospital. He drives inside the parking before taking his phone out of the pocket on the coat.

He dials Victoria's number and she picks up shortly.

"We have a problem."

He says honestly with regret clinging unto his words with sharp claws. Giving Victoria no room to respond, he continues to elucidate the situation to her.

"Brena was in car accident and has been in a coma since the day I left New York to meet you in Boston. I just spoke to Lillian and I'm at the hospital right now to see her." He tells her shamefully.

Victoria gasps loudly as her eyes become glassy in no time. Henry can hear her sniffling in the background so he waits. Giving her a moment to absorb the information.

"You need to tell Lillian everything. Even if Kevin is behind this or not, they are both in danger. Especially my baby." She instructs him.

Henry nods slowly and begins to march towards the revolving door at the entrance.

"Okay. Are you sure though? Is telling Lillian everything a smart move?" He asks inquisitively, pushing the door.

Victoria knew the truth would come out sooner or later. She didn't expect it to be this way but what had to be done must be done. Protecting Brena was her number priority.

"Yes. Don't question me Henry please just do it. When you do, get Lillian out of there and let her keep her distance from Brena. I can't have Kevin finding her."

After Victoria hangs up, Henry texts Lillian to find out what floor she was on. Once she responds, he enters the elevator and presses the fourth floor.

Stepping out of the elevator, his eyes examine the waiting room in search of Lillian. Right on cue, Lillian turns around and her eyes met his.

Relief is plastered on his face as he walks to where she's seated. Lillian gets up and gives him a courtesy hug.

"Hey. It's been years. How are you?"

Lillian keeps her head low as she questions him in a small voice. The last strength she had when she came in earlier has vanished. When she got off the phone with Brooklyn Dawns, her body became weak.

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