Melissa Beniost

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A/N: You're her girlfriend and you ship Supercorp

"God Y/N really?" You jumped at the voice and looked away from your phone. You saw your girlfriend of three years looking at you with her eyebrows raised and her hands on her hips.

"What?" You asked as you sat up straighter with cheeks feeling a bit warm.

"Looking at supercorp fan art again?" Your cheeks heated up even more. You can't necessarily blame yourself. Supercorp is endgame and many people would agree with you. It's not really your fault either it's was those damn Supergirl writers. They're practically dangling supercorp in front of everyone but snatching it back when they'd reach for it.

It wasn't fair.

"Aw babe I swear you ship supercorp harder than you do Y/SN." You crosses your arms as she took your phone. You were on tumblr looking at fan art. Tumblr always had the best fan art. Tumblr was always there to give you that gay shit when Supergirl writers wouldn't.

"You can't blame me Mel. Kara and Lena would be one dominant couple. Could you just picture it. A Luthor and a Super. That would be fucking awesome." She chuckled and shook her head. She sat next to you and you both looked at some amazing supercorp fan art.

You were always amazed with how talented people could be. You could barely draw a stick figure. Let alone something like this.

"I can't lie this do look pretty awesome." You cuddled closer to each other and she kept on scrolling down. You two spent the rest of the afternoon looking at supercorp fan art and you loved this about Melissa.

She probably would never say this out loud but she shipped Supercorp just as much as you did.



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