Katie Mcgrath & Melissa Benoist: Supercorp

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A/N: One where Kara loses her memory

With the meta human coming to earth 38 and messing with everything. Literally. Kara found herself being held down by this meta. The meta human holding her head. He's bright red eyes looking into hers. That was last thing she remembered before blacking out.


Lena watched in horror as her fiancé fell limp to the floor. Before the DEO agents could do anything the meta disappeared. Lena quickly ran to the hero. She looked down at Kara and felt like her throat was closing up. Kara laid on the floor not moving

"K-Supergirl." Alex along with other agents showed up. Alex quickly got to work to moving Kara to the DEO.

"Lena she's fine. She has a normal pulse. We just got to get her to DEO." Lena could only follow and watch as they loaded Kara up in a van. She was quick to get in the van giving any one a glare if they told her other wise.

It was quick. It happened to so quickly. Kara showed up at L-Corp for lunch like she always does. She showed up after helping cops stop a car chase. She showed up and it was like any other day. They were laughing, joking, kissing on the couch like they always do. But then he showed up. Literally out of nowhere. Knew Kara by name. Kara being Kara she pushed Lena behind her.

"Who are you?"

"Come and find out." Lena watched as the guy took off out of her window. "Please be careful." Kara pecked the older woman's lips and nodded.


He was strong. It was a dump mistake. He said something about Lena. Something that triggered her. She leaned forward it punch him but that was when she made the mistake. He got her by a hold and that was it.


"She's fine. Just unconscious. Did anyone see where this guy went." Lena nodded as Alex patted her shoulder and went off with brainy. They needed to to find the meta that did this. Alex already asked Barry for his help, he was there in a flash.

Lena stayed right next to Kara holding her fiancé hand. She hated feeling so useless especially in these situations. She was happy that Kara finally told her the truth. But along with that truth came more concern for her wife.

"Mmh." Lena's head snapped towards the blonde. She quickly called for Alex who was followed in by Nia, Brainy, J'onn and Barry.

"Kara you alright sweetie."

The blonde opened her eyes into to shut them tight cause of the bright lights. Her vision was a bit blurry she felt someone holding her hand.

"Kara how do you feel." She did feel fine. She felt alright. Nothing seemed wrong with her.

"I feel fine."

"Kara?" She sat herself up and looked around. This didn't look like a hospital.

She saw that a woman was holding her hand. She pulled her hand away and fiddled with her hands.


"Who's Kara?" Everyone looked at the blonde hero with concern. Especially the woman's wife.

"Wait who are you people. Where am I. Who's Kara." Kara quickly got off the bed and took a step back. Lena's eyes tired to hide the hurt she felt and blink away the tears.

"You're Kara."

"Why can't I remember anything."

"Hey it's okay we aren't going to hurt you. You were in a accident. You brought here for safety reasons." Lena said as she tried to calm the pacing woman.

She tried to walk towards her but was stopped by Alex.

"Let's talk. Nia keep Kara company."



"Uh okay well I went to something similar to this kind of. Uh well not really. I just forgot I had powers. Kara's memories have been taken. We have to find this guy make sure he doesn't touch us and have him restore her memories. Until then. Someone's going to have to stay by her side." Everyone looked at Lena who was too busy looking at Kara through the glass.



So as the day passed on Kara spent her day with Lena. She spent it going to park, going her favorite food place. As much as she was confused. She still enjoyed her time with the other woman. Now she was at their apartment. Which was Lena's. Kara moved in.

She smiled as she ate her ice cream Lena sitting in front of her drinking her coffee. That's when she noticed the ring.

"That's a very beautiful ring, who's the lucky guy? Or girl?" Lena looked at the blue eyes and again tried to hold her tears. She smiled sadly and fiddled with her ring. 


"Me?" Kara blinked in surprise. "Why? You're absolutely gorgeous, why would you want to marry a goofball like me. From what Brainy has told me I could be pretty childish." Lena smiled and took Kara's hands in hers.

"You were my first friend. My only friend when I first moved to National City. You were the only to believe in me. Even when your friends told you not to. You were the only to stand by side. Believe in me tell me that I was nothing like family. Showing me what love really was. With you I found love and a family. It's not, why you? It's why me."

Before Kara could say anything she was pulled away from Lena.

"Aw how cute. But me and her have some unfinished business don't we Supergirl." The meta threw Kara into a wall.


"Ah ah no to so fast Ms.Lu-Got him." Barry stood smiling smugly. He ran so fast that the dumb meta didn't realize that he was cuffed with power dampeners.

"Kara you okay?" Kara groaned as Lena helped her up.

"Now are restore her memories." When the meta didn't say anything Barry punched him. He normally would do this but Kara was like his sister. He deeply cared about the blonde.

"Alright alright. All she needs a kiss her true love." Lena looked down at Kara who was still busy trying to pick up the flowers that were on the table that was broken.

"It'll be hella awkward if you kiss her and your not her true love. Damn now that would be a big pl-Shut up." Barry smacked the metas head and nodded towards Lena before leaving with the meta. Lena watched her heart beating like crazy. What if that meta had a point. What if...they weren't meant to be.

"Kara honey."

"Your uh vase and table are broken."

Lena leaned in and caught Kara by surprise. She caught the blondes lips with hers.

"Mmh that was nice." Lena chuckled and shook her head.

"Do you remember?"

"Yes. I remember everything."



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