Chris Evans (Steve Rogers)

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A/N: You're a shy but very powerful alien who so happens to save a little boy. Not realizing that someone saw.

You knew saving that little boy was going to change everything. He was stuck in car that was under a pile of rubble. You only thought about making sure that he got out. You were running for cover when you heard him. It was during the attack of New York. With out thinking or caring you used your super strength to lift the chunks of cement off the car. Ripping off the smashed in roof top.

"It's okay buddy. Come here." The little boy quickly went into your arms and you quickly went to find some cover.

Waiting out the battle. You clearly didn't see Captain America watching a in amazement and aw at you.


As weeks went on the city was staring to go back to how it used to be. You were thankful that no one saw you using your powers. When you helped find the little boys mom. She was so grateful and she thanked you so much. Well all she thought was that you found her child and kept him safe. Which is what you did but she didn't have to know that you had powers.

So as the city went on rebuilding with the help of the Avengers. You also carried on with your classes. You also tired to help were ever you could obviously not using your powers. But at shelters, restaurants that you always go to, that needed help. You were always one to help. Even without using your powers.

Steve saw this and highly admired you. He wants to approach you but he didn't really know how. So he watched you from a far. He has never seen someone to kind, so generous and just beautiful. Not after Peggy.

He smiled when he saw you smiling and laughing with some of the children. He was g-

"So that's who your stalking." He jumped at hearing his friends voice. He turned and saw Natasha standing there with a teasing grin.

"I'm not stalking, I was observing."

"Is that what they called it in 40's?" The tall solider rolled his eyes hoping that his red head friend didn't see the blush on his cheeks.

"She's cute and from what I heard from Tony, strong." At this Steve wiped his head towards Nat.

"Tony? How does Tony know?" Natasha simple pointed toward where you stood. Steve looked and there you stood talking non other than Tony.

"What's he doing?"



You were honestly going to say no. But after that feeling you got every time you helped someone you couldn't help but to think that this is what you were meant for. You didn't necessarily travel 2000 light years to do nothing. So you accepted Tony's offer. To become an Avenger.

You were moving in today. Tony said that he'll have a room ready just as long as you finished the last four months of college left. Which you'd do. You'd be able to do it. It's not like you weren't incredibly smart. You were pretty sure that you were smarter than him but you weren't going to test that theory. Not yet at least.

"Miss Y/LN welcome." A voice said as I stepped off that must be Tony's AI.

"Hello Ms.Y/LN I'm-please call me Y/N." You said as you looked around in amazement. This place was just great. You turned around and saw who was the one talking to you. You felt yourself freeze in your own shoes. It was him. Captain America. Steve Rogers.

"Y/N. I'm Steve. I'll be showing you to your bed room."

"Nice to meet you Mr.Rogers." Steve chuckled and shook his head.

"Please call me Steve."

You knew that from then on that you and Steve will be great friends. Maybe even more.



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