Sasha Pieterse (Alison DiLaurentis)

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A/N: She cheats on you

You didn't know why she was becoming distant. All you knew that she wasn't the same anymore. She'd come home late. She would barely talk to you when she was home. She would leave your messages on read. Things just weren't looking up in your relationship.

And it sucked.

You've tried everything to save your relationship but nothing worked. You knew where she was going every day after work. You knew who she spent it with. You knew where she was every night after not coming home. You knew, you wouldn't have been a good detective if you didn't.

You've known for a while. You hoped you'd be able to save your marriage but when you walked into your house you knew it was too late. You swallowed the lump in your throat and took out the papers from your bag. You already signed them. You put them on the counter, with your ring.

Maybe it just wasn't meant to be.



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