Kendall Jenner

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A/N: G!P Kendall requested by @kekeiik_me your probably gonna be disappointed

You didn't know what time it was but what you woke up to was screams. It took you a few seconds to realize that your girlfriend wasn't in bed with you. A loud 'No!' made you jump from bed and run out of the room with only your pajamas which was just a long T-shirt and your panties. You ran down the hall towards the frustrated groans. Your shoulders relaxing a bit when you saw Kendall just playing 2k19. She's been playing that game since it came out.

"Hey Princess." Kendall turned her head to see you in her shirt and bare legs. She bit her lip opening her mouth to say something but was stopped by some kid mocking her.

"What you scared now loser. Gonna go cry to your mom. Ha what a bitch. Go on ahead go cry to your mom you big ass cry baby."

You rolled your eyes when her attention went straight back to the tv. You left the room figuring since your up already you'll take a quick shower. You knew that you not Kendall we're going to go out today, so just changed into the some shirt and panties. You thought that after a good hour in the shower, Kendall would be at least in the living room or kitchen.

But nope she was still in the game room. You let out a small groan and walked in the room.

"Babe aren't you tired of that game." But it went to deaf ear. You walked towards wrapping your arms around from behind. "Babe." You whined but again she didn't bother looking away from the tv.

"Listen here you little shit. I'm going to beat you so bad. You'll never play again."

You lightly kissed her cheek, trying to get her attention. But nope that didn't work. You moved your kissed down her to her jaw to her neck but nada. You were seriously going to throw that stupid game away. When she didn't even flinch you rolled your eyes.

You huffed and left the room. Might as well eat something before doing anything else.


Few hours later Kendall had only gotten up to use the bathroom, get some food and to shower. Only because you made her. But if your weren't here you're sure she wouldn't even get up. You entered the room once again hoping to gain her attention again. This time you day on her lap facing her.

Kendall who was in the middle of the game just moved her head to side to look at the tv. You put your head down on her shoulder facing her neck. She wrapped her arms around your waist so she could still play her game. You bit your lip thinking you knew a way to get her attention. You moves forwards your lips touch her neck. You knew exactly where she was sensitive.

You kissed around that area softly sucking on it. You felt her tighten her arms around your waist. Then she jumped up when she heard whoever was in her mic set.

"What you scared you little bitch? Gonna quit, don't blame ya. Every bitch is scared of me."

"That's it."

You moved from your spot huffing out and leaving the room. She's right that is it. You can't stand her being on her stupid game all day. Not when the day is completely beautiful to be outside. You knew exactly who to call. Your best friend.


You knew she would agree to go out with you. You pulled out your phone dialing her number.

"Hey Y/NN, what's up?"

"Hey Bel I was just calling to see if you wanted to go out? It's alright if you can't, I know how busy you are."

"No I'm not busy and even if I was you know I'd always make time for you. Where do you wanna go. There's a new club I've wanted to go to. Gigi and the girls are going to be there to."

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