Elizabeth Olsen (Wanda Maximoff)

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A/N: Wanda comes back from the snap only to find out that you sacrificed yourself

When they regathered at the time machine circle. Natasha was the first one to burst into tears falling to her knees. Clint stood by her side crying as well. You were like family and to have you gone was just empty. It felt wrong.

"Where's Y/NN?" Tony was the first one to speak.

"They went to the planet, they came back with the stone and not the girl. The girl sacrificed herself."

Tony and the rest of the team stood in shock and tears. They stood there not knowing how to take the news. Natasha cried her eyes out from the pain of losing you and not being able to stop you. Her daughter. Gone. She wanted to beat the crap out of you for doing what you did and leaving her here.

Steve walked to her and pulled her close. He was also crying silently.

They were all hurting.


"Avengers!" Steve yelled as the team gathered behind him.


As the fight raged on. Nat fought these beasts hard. She was angry and sad. She needed you back but you weren't. She needed to take her anger out somehow. As she fought she didn't notice your girlfriend coming towards her.

When Wanda came out of the portal. She looked everywhere for you. Even though it didn't feel long when she was away. But when that doctor told her they've been gone for five years. She needed to see you. She couldn't imagine how you felt. You must be heart broken. But when she couldn't find you she went up in the air to look for you but still couldn't see you. This made her start to feel concern. Five years was a long time. You could be anywhere.

When the battle started she killed some of the soldiers from Thanos army before she saw your mother. She quickly went to her dropping on the floor.

"Nat!" Natasha turned around at the voice. Her eyes filling with tears once again when she saw who it was. Wanda smiled and hugged her but pulled back when she heard the sob come out of the older woman.

"Natasha what is the matter? Where's Y/N?" Natasha only shook her head at the name and continued to cry. Wanda felt her eyes start to water as well.

"Nat where's Y/N?" She asked once again her voice cracking at the pain she felt coming from not only herself but also coming from the woman in front of her. She couldn't help but to look in her mind and what she saw broke her heart even more.

"It's okay mom. Everything will be okay. I can't live in a world where I lose my mother and the woman I love. You'll be okay."

"Y/N! No! Please don't do this! We're getting her back!"

"I know. And you'll tell her that i love her, I always will, and that I had to do this I won't let Clint nor you do this."

"Please Y/N listen to her! Don't do it."

"I'm sorry Clint but I have to."

"Y/N no!!"

Wanda gasped out and stumbled backwards. No. No. You couldn't be gone. Wanda let out a loud cry as she fell to her knees. A wave of red energy shooting out of her and only killing the beasts near her. Natasha cried with her.

Wanda opened her eyes and saw the tall bald purple man running towards the Black Panther. Before Natasha could say anything she flew off. Landing in front of Thanos.

"You took everything from me."

"I don't even know who you are."

"You will."

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