Ellie & Dina (The Last of Us II)

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A/N: AU where Joel doesn't die he still gets attacked but Ellie was able to save him, and Ellie and him work things out. As time goes by Ellie and Dina get together and Dina finds out about Ellie's secret.

Mostly fluffy shit cause why the fuck not. A little bit of angst cause I love that shit and I apparently can't do a imagine without some angst

"But I would like to try."

"I would like that."


The following day was supposed to be like any other. A patrol. The patrol was supposed to be like any other. Some infected maybe a few raiders but that's it. But then the storm hit. Ellie shared the very passionate moment with Dina. Man she honestly couldn't be happier. She finally had the girl of her dreams. She was working on trying to fix what she and Joel had.

But that feeling didn't last. It was replaced with worry when Jesse told her that Joel and Tommy were missing and couldn't possibly be hurt.

Things happened so quickly when she saw what she saw. Rage ran through veins. Once it was over she badly beaten and bruised but was able to rush to Joel.

"Joel? Joel can you hear me? Come on Joel." Her eyes fell on his knee and all the wounds . She bit back the sob and look back his bloody face.

"Joel?! Tommy?! You guys in here?" She heard Dina's voice ring throughout the house.

"Dina! Down here!" Her voice hoarse from the screaming and almost being choked to death.

"Ellie?" The sound of rushed feet bounding on the wood floor was heard in this room of silence.

"Holy fuck."


No matter what anybody said Ellie did not leave Joel's side not once, unless it was to go to the bathroom. Maria and Dina were so worried. It's been three weeks since that horrible day. Dina came in just as much as she could. She would come to check on Joel and Ellie. The bruises and cuts were barely visible now. She was worried about Ellie. The taller girl could barley eat and when Dina would bring her something to eat she wouldn't eat it. Barely even touch it.

"Ellie." Arms wrapped around her shoulders from behind. "You have to rest. You making yourself sick isn't going to help him." Dina whispered in her ear. Ellie sighed and leaned her head back she fought the tears that wanted to escape. She was tired. So tired. All she wanted was for Joel to wake up. Wake up so she can tell him that she forgives. Forgives for taking her out of that hospital. For giving her a chance to live. Now that she thinks about. Her plan was never to die. If she did she wouldn't have met Dina. And that girl is the love her life.

"I wanna sleep but what if he wakes up when I'm gone. I have to be here for when he wakes up." She whispered back. Dina lightly kissed Ellie's cheek.

"Ellie-Go to bed kiddo. We don't need a grumpy red head on our hands. Do we Dina." The two girls in the room snapped their heads and stood up straighter at sound of Joel's rough voice.


"I'll go get the doctor and Tommy."

Ellie's green eyes filled with tears. She no longer held them in. Let them all out. She took of Joel's hands and cried with her head down.

"Oh baby girl."

"I..I thought I lost you. Fuck Joel. You scared the crap outta me." She cried as Joel used his other hand to run his fingers through the short red hair. Trying to comfort his daughter.

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