Melissa Benoist (Supergirl)

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A/N: She finds out that you were in a building that had a bomb in it

"Kara would you calm down your making me more nervous than I already am." You groaned as she kept on listing off things that could go bad. She was nervous. She was beyond nervous. She was going to meet your parents for the first time. You weren't nervous but now her nerves were making you nervous.

"Okay, alright. I'll calm down. I'll see you here at six just like we agreed. I can't believe I'm meeting your parents." You smiled up at from where you were seated.

Kara and yourself have been dating for about six months now and your parents wanted to meet the girl who was making you happy. Kara quickly agreed she did want to meet the people who raised you. She's excited, nervous and anyone could tell.

"They're going to love you Kara. My knows how much I love you and she's just as excited to meet you as you are to meet them." She smiled at you and kissed you. You quickly returned the kiss. The past few months that you have been with Kara you fell for her fast. Even when you first met her. You fell for her and you fell hard. It wasn't long until you two (more like just you) accidentally told her while you were drunk. You could remember you both drinking at the alien bar she took you. She told you Alex brought her with her girlfriend Maggi. You woke up to the worst headache while Kara was just fine. Which surprised you. But you just figured that she drank water before you two left. Well anyway, while you were drunk you told her how you felt. You didn't care, well that night you didn't. You were wasted the only you were worried about was that you wanted another drink.

But when she told you what you said, now that was a different story. You ran. Shit you ran. You ran away from that jeez. You didn't have the heart for rejection. But turns out she did feel the same which leads you to now.

"I love you too. Now I-" Kara was cut off by her phone ringing. She groaned and answered it. You waited patiently for her to finish. But then she stood up hanging up the phone.

"Babe I have to go. I'll see you at six okay. I gotta go snapper is going to throw my article away. I'll see you later." Before you could say anything she was out the door. You frowned but figured the article was important. Knowing Kara, the article probably was important.

You had to make some errands anyway. So you got your bag and phone and made your way out as well.


"Supergirl there's two bombs. One on each side of the city. You could only stop one. One in down town and the other up in city." Kara looked both ways as she was in mid air.

"Supergirl you have to choose now. If you do you can probably save both. Now move." Kara nodded and flew to the one in the city. It was closest one and she'll work fast to save the ones in down town.


You smiled at the kid who handed you rose with blush on his cheeks. You thanked him as beamed up you and walked away as he handed more roses to people. He had big with him. You were in small mall center that was in down town and for some reason it was packed. You had a few shopping bags. Some things you knew your parents wanted and a few things for Kara.

You made your way into another store knowing that Kara needed more sweaters and some flannels. She was more a preppy woman. Never wore dresses unless she had to. You love to spoil that woman and she hated it. But only because she didn't want you to waste money on her. But you didn't mind especially since she seemed to spend all her money on potstickers.

You looked at all the clothing racks sitting down your bags. One thing you loved when Kara came shopping with you is that she'd carry all the bags. She always told that they weren't heavy. You knew she worked out with her sister. Well that's what she told you and she had the abs and biceps to prove it.

And lord have mercy on your gay little heart did you stare.

You minded your business as you looked at some clothes. It wasn't loud you could here people walking by, talking but it wasn't really loud like it would be at times.

But like that it was loud so loud. Your body being thrown to a wall with a sharp pain coming from your lower stomach. The ringing in your ears was loud. You couldn't hear. Everything was blurry. Smoke fogged your vision. Everything happened so fast. You couldn't breath. It was like someone had punched in your stomach and all the air went out.

Your tried to sit up but your couldn't, the slightest move would shot throughout your body. You blinked quickly trying to get your vision back. Once you did, you lifted your head a little to see a medal pipe sticking out of your stomach. Blood covering your white shirt.

You laid your head back down groaning in pain. It was getting harder to breath. Your vision once again going blurry.


"Kara the one in down town just went off." Kara flew faster seeing the smoke coming from the shopping center. She knew it was the place Y/N and herself always shopped at. She flew faster and landed next to the firefighters.

"How can I help?"

"We took some of the injured to the left side over there and we heard some still in rubble. There's people down there. Could use your X-Ray vision to see if there's any badly wounded." Kara nodded and did what he asked. She saw a few people but on was pin down.

"There's ten people but one of them is pin down. I could get to them first. There's five on west side right there." She said as she pointed. Some of the firefighters nodded getting to work. "There's four right there." She once again pointed and then looked down.

"This person must have been closer to the blast." They nodded and got to work. She knew she could get to that person quicker. The heart beat was faint. She could save this person. She did what she did when there was a bomb in a stadium. She went down. And towards the person.

She came up seeing all rubble and the dust.

Her breath hitched once she saw who was the one pined down.


She quickly went to her lover moving the hair out of the way. "Y/N?" Her eyes filled with tears hear the slow beat of the girl she was in love with.

"Y/N? Please open your eyes." She went to move her but stopped when she saw the medal pole sticking out of her stomach.

"Alex? A-Alex Y/N is pin d-down. There's a medal p-pole sticking out of her stomach. What do I do?" She cried as she held Y/N's hand tightly in hers.

"How bad is it?"

"Bad Alex her heartbeat it's slow. Please Alex help me save her. She can't die. Not now. Please."

"Bring her here. Break the medal pole leave it in there and bring her here. Quickly Kara."

Kara nodded and broke the pole. She carefully picked her up wincing when she heard groan of pain coming from the girl in her arms.


"How is she?" Kara asked once Alex walked out of the room. She looked at Kara and shook her head.

"No! No she can't! She can't be. Alex please. She can't be. No-No. I-I love her Alex. I-I didn't I didn't tell her I l-love her when-when I left. She can't be gone." She dropped to her knees as she cried Alex's tears escaped as she kneeled down hugging her sister as they both cried.

You were gone.



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