Katie McGrath: Lena Luthor

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Same plot as previous, just a little different

You felt yourself being thrown through a building, through a glass and then hit the wall.

"Ow." You laid on the floor for a good few seconds but then you realized something. The red wave. You were fighting rhino. He hit you really hard cause you were distracted by the red wave. Your tingle going crazy. You didn't think it was because of that wave. While you were watching the wave get closer and closer. Rhino hit you very hard sending you flying. But you never felt the impact until now. And man did it hurt.

You quickly stud up. You held on to your side as you looked down.

"Luthor Corp? That isn't in New York." You looked up and looked out of the window. "That isn't New York. Where a-Who are you?" You jumped in fright and quickly turned around. Seeing a woman with jet black hair and some green eyes. She's very pretty. But she was also pointing a gun at you. It looked like a taser gun.

"Uh they call me spider woman. I-I don't know how I got here. Last thing I remember was well this is going to sound crazy but last thing I remember was a red wave and that's it, then I'm here." You kept your hands up. You saw how eyes filled a bit of sadness. But as soon as it was there it was gone. She was trying to seem cold but you could see right through that.

"Where am I?" Before she could respond her phone rang. You stood there as she put her gun down but was still on guard you didn't blame her. As she picked up her phone you looked down at your ripped up suit. Your blue sweater was torn and your rest suit also had some cuts in it. You could feel how sore and tired you were. You may have powers, but that didn't you make invincible.

As the woman hung up the phone she looked back at you.

"Do you have extra clothes. My suit..." Lena nodded and took a Luthor Corp sweatpants and sweater out. She wondered if you'd take off your mask. By your voice she could tell you were young she just didn't know how young. She knew you didn't know about your world being destroyed. Her heart felt heavy as much as she didn't want to admit. She didn't want to open herself up to another hero.

She gasped when you came out of the room. You were young but looked really young with the cuts and bruises on your face made you look so innocent and small.

"Um thank you. Can you tell me how I got here?" Lena sighed and took out a first aid kit. She pointed to the couch and you sat down with a small hiss leaving your lips.

You weren't prepared for the news you were about to hear.


Lena was surprised to see that you didn't really cry. She just told you that your world was destroyed. But didn't cry.

"I lost my loved ones way before that antimatter wave showed up. I was already alone on my earth." You whispered to her sensing her confusion.

"I'm sorry." "It's alright. I've learned to accept it." After a moment of silence you spoke up again. "So what now. I'm homeless, orphan, I don't even have my ID. I haven't even graduated yet. I'm only sixteen." Great you'll be living on the streets from now on.

"I'll help you."


It's been three months since you arrived on this earth and Lena took you in. You were grateful for Lena. You really were. If it weren't for her you'd probably be living on the streets right now. She had an ID, Birth certificate and all that other stuff made. She was the best. She even made you a new suit. It was an all black suit, with a red spider on the chest and the eyes red as well. It was so cool.

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