Grayson Dolan

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A/N:You're James younger sister

"Hey sisters I'm here with some special guests, the sister quad and my beautiful sister who is being boring doing her homework behind the camera." You giggled slightly at how fast your older brother talked. You honestly couldn't keep up sometimes. When he talked this fast it reminded you of when you were a freshman in high school and your English teacher didn't know the meaning of 'talk slower so we can actually learn something.' Yea if you didn't have good ears and weren't a fast learner you probably would have failed that class.

Anyway you're behind the camera doing your homework. Your parents and James kinda of talked you into moving to LA with your older brother so you could get out more. Cause unlike James you liked to stay in your room and keep to yourself. You didn't really like going out much. Yea you actually didn't go out unless you really had to. Right now you watched your brother and his friends make a fool out of them selves.

Your brother did tell you he didn't want to do this challenge with the twins or Emma. They had these shock collars and you really didn't know what they were doing but they were getting shocked. You were glad you weren't playing.

You looked at one of the twins and blushed when you saw that the younger twin was already looking at you with a smile on his face. You felt your cheeks heat up so you quickly looked away.

You've had the biggest crush on him since you first saw their videos. So yes, you did freak out the first time you met them. You didn't even know they were at your brothers house so when you came from school to here your brothers voice and two other deep voices you were only in for shock.

You continued to do your work as you heard your brother let out a loud scream. You could only figure he got shocked. You laughed slightly shaking your head as James rubbed his bicep.

"Okay that's it, I don't wanna play anymore that shit hurts." Emma quickly agreeing with after he said that. You closed your book seeing that you were done with your work and looked at the four. Ethan and Grayson were both red from laughing. Grayson was more wheezing than laughing. You quickly looked to your right seeing his inhaler on Ethan's satchel. You grabbed it and handed it to him.

You couldn't lie but you did worry about him sometimes.

"Thanks Y/NN." You smiled in return as they finished up the video. "Alright I'm hungry to McDonald's." James said with heavy sigh. He did always get hungry after recording. Ethan and Emma quickly followed him out the door. You got up at well and went to follow them but was stopped.

"Hey I owe you something." You looked up at Grayson confused. He chuckled and leaned down pecking your lips. You blushed a deep red.

"Come on I know you're hungry. I'll buy you a happy meal."



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