Silver Sable

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A/n: Spin off of last imagine

You landed on the roof of the school and quickly changed back into your normal clothes. You quickly went down the steps turning the corner and running straight into someone's chest sending you both to the floor.


"Oh Sab I'm so sorry." She chuckled and shook her head looking up at you since you landed on top of her.

"It's alright gorgeous. Everything okay?" You blushed and nodded. Getting up and helping her up.

"I still don't understand how strong you are. Are you sure you don't want to join the soccer team. I mean the team could really use a new defender or forward which ever one you prefer." You chuckled and shook your head.

"Thanks Sab but I'm always too busy with my internship at L-Corp."

"Yea I know. Just figured I'd ask again." She held your hand as you both made your way down the hall towards the field. It's been a year since the whole...thing. You grew very close to Silver Sable. She was a sweet heart to you. She had moments with assholes who happened to be your bullies or just bullies in general. She was it girl here at the school. And ever since you two started dating two months ago people tented to stay away from you.

Well besides some football players. But Sab was always there to stop them.

"It's not like you need me. You're like a brick wall when it comes to being a goalie." You nudged her gently.

"Oh stop." You loved the moments when you were one to make her blush. It was rare cause only you could. She'd only react like that with you. That girl was head over heels for you.

You both walked hand in hand. But the all too cute moment had to be stopped.

You felt the tingle and not the good one. You quickly grabbed Sab and pushed her into the class room as the lizard man came out from the roof.

"Oh SpiderKid I know you're in here."

You and Sab hid under the teachers desk. You were panicking and so was Sab. You needed to keep the girl safe. You dug into you back pack before looking at Sab.

"Sab. Listen. I need you to run to the left okay."

"What? I'm not leaving you with that thi-Sab listen to me. I'll be fine. Just trust me." You took out your mask. Sable looked down at the mask and then back you. All she did was nod. You knew she was scared. And most likely hurt. But she didn't argue. All she did was squeeze your hand. You nodded after putting on your mask. You shot webs at his face as Sab looked back at you as she ran out of the class.

"Go!" You yelled as you swing kicked the lizard. With one last look she ran. Her eyes filled with tears. Tears of fear, concern.


It wasn't long till Supergirl arrived. You sighed in relief when you saw her. If it weren't for her you'd probably be died.

"Are you okay?" She asked after the DEO took the lizard. She put her hands on your shoulders. You looked to your side and saw the familiar silver hair being lead away by her parents.

"C-Can we go home." She nodded as she picked you up and took off.


"Oh Y/N are you okay. I was so worried. Are you-She knows." You're eyes filled with tears. Lena pulled away from the hug and looked down at you seeing the all too familiar sixteen year old face. The innocent look. The big teary Y/EC eyes that made you look like a child. Making her remember all the terrible things this child has been through.

"She knows." You nodded. You lower lip trembling.

"She hates me."

"No. No she doesn't hate you. She just needs time. She loves you Y/N. Here listen. Get cleaned up get some rest and then you'll go to her okay." You nodded and she kissed the top of your head.


So here you were outside her window. You knuckles hovered at her window. You were scared. So scared. Before you could change your mind you knocked on the window. You heard her footsteps getting closer and then the blinds were pushed out of the way. You didn't expect her to push open the window and pull you in tight hug. All you did was hug her back just as tight making sure not to hurt her.

"You're okay. I was so worried I called you but you wouldn't answer."

"You're not mad?" She pulled away from the hug cupping your cheeks.

"What? God no. I was app worried and that thing was-I'm just so glad you're okay." She pulled you into a hug again. You just returned the hug resting your head on her chest.

"Come on. You must be tired." She lead you to her bed and laid you down. The both of you cuddled up together. She pulled you close to her and the both of you fell asleep. In each other's arms.



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