Camila Cabello

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A/N: You're Shawn's younger sister who happens to be a UFC fighter

You were an upcoming UFC fighter. You just signed your first contract at the age of nineteen. To say you were excited was understatement. You worked so hard for this and to finally have your dream coming true. Ah shit were you so happy. You were a great fighter. Everyone knew that. You have had a few matches already and won every single one of them. By KO. They gave you the nickname the Flash. Cause you were fast and your punches were quick and hard.

As time went by you grew bigger and better. You were 18-0 and you now had your first ever title match against Amanda Nunes. That match was in three weeks. You were nervous cause you've seen Amanda fight and she's one of the best fighters. She was incredible. So you had to train hard.

Your family would often come to your fights but since everyone was really busy they'd watch on tv. You understood, they'd always call you after your match to congratulate you. Your dad would be one to always be at your fights. He was your number one supporter. Along with your little sister. You mom didn't really like you doing this but hey she'd still make effort to congratulate you when you'd win. Your older brother would also call you. He'd make time to wish you luck. But since he's half across the country most of time on his tour you understood why he couldn't make it sometimes.

Being Shawn Mendes sister had its moments. First of all most people didn't really know you were related. Which was great. Sometimes. You didn't really care. He was your older brother. He was only year older than you but you were taller than him by an inch.

So with that being said you had to get back to training.


Today is the day. The day of the fight. You were bumped and ready. You were ready to go. You were sad that Shawn wasn't here. But your dad, even your mom was here so was your little sister.

"You're so going to kick ass Y/NN." Your little sister cheered along with your father. You chuckled and shook your head. Your mom was standing in you one of your shirts. Your dad and sister also had the same shirt, a UFC shirt with your last name in back of the shirt.

Right when one of your trainers was going give you your mouth guard someone covered your eyes. You touched the hands that covered your eyes. You felt your smile return but wider.

"Shawny!" You quickly turned around and literally swooped him up in a hug. Being a UFC fighter meant that you were really fit and strong. Stronger than your older brother. You heard his laugh. You were so happy that your brother was here.

"You're here! You said you weren't going to be here you jerk." He smiled and let a small laugh out.

"I wanted to surprise you. I wouldn't miss my little sister's first title match. Oh and Y/N you remember Camila girlfriend, well not's-PR." You furrowed your eyes brows at that and looked at him. It wasn't long ago he told you that he liked someone, and that someone wasn't necessarily a woman. But he didn't do anything about it cause his management wouldn't let him be out and proud. There would be times when he'd call you being all sad and guilty that he couldn't be honest with his fans. Or times when he'd cry cause he couldn't be himself. There was, still times when you want to beat the crap out of those controlling assholes.

"Hi, nice to finally see you again Y/N." You met Camila back when she was tour with Fifth Harmony and they were supporting acts for Austin Mahone. Man were you in love. She was so cute and beautiful then and now she was drop dead gorgeous. Kinda miss the bows though. If you were being honest. Shawn knew you had a tiny crush on the older Cuban. He's always tried to push you on telling her're a pussy.

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