Christina Grimme

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A/N: This one is for the ones who loved Christina Grimmer and still love her and her music. This one is for the ones who didn't know her personally but feel like they connected to her. Like she understood you. This one is for the ones who took her death hard. Yes she's gone but her music still lives on. Today marks three years since she was killed. This one is for you.
I'm still a huge fan of hers and still support her and her family.


You sat down in front of the her grave with her favorite flowers. You smiled sadly down to tombstone. It's been three years since she was killed. You always made time out of your day to visit her grave. She was an important person to you when she was alive and she still is. She was your best friend, your love, your soulmate.

When she was taken from you, you didn't know how to cope. She was ripped away from you too soon. You weren't there when it happened, you were at work. You were notified by the news. Your boss knew who she was to you and let you leave. You cried, god did you cry. You cried when you arrived at the hospital, you cried when they told you she died, you cried when they buried her, you cried and cried. She was ripped away from you by someone asshole. An asshole who didn't care that he just killed an innocent girl.

From that day on you felt empty, alone like you just couldn't move on. Tina told you that Christina would want you to move on. But you couldn't. You just couldn't. It didn't feel right. When she died, your love for never did. It still lived and it was still strong. It just didn't feel right if you would start dating someone else.

You love her and that has not changed.

"Hey Chris," you set the flowers down, cleaning off the stone from plants that have grown and the dust. "It's been three years. I would be lying if I told you I've gotten better. You always did hate when I would lie. I haven't been better. I miss you. I miss you so much." Tears blurred your vision as you looked up at the blue sky. "A day doesn't do by when I don't think about you. I still have all your instruments at my house. I can't bring myself to take them out. I've gotten better a playing the keyboard." You chuckled through your tears. Remembering the time she would try to teach how to play.


"Y/NN, babe I swear it's not that hard." She looked up from her keyboard giving you smile that you love seeing.

"Yea says the one who basically came out of her mom womb playing keyboard." Christina only shook her head as she let out laugh. She grabbed your hand pulling towards her key board.

"Come on I'll teach you." You sat beside her, you always did love seeing her singing her heart out while she played any instruments. The way she would sing was like a blissing yo your ears. Every time she would record you'd be there behind the camera smiling at her. Thinking how did you get so lucky to call her yours. And when she would up load it on YouTube you would watch it again.

You smiled as she helped you push the right keys to song titanium. That was the song she'll be recording today. "Alright you'll press these keys while press these one, got it babe?" You smiled and nodded.

The two of you spent who knows how many hours mostly messing around. Giggling, laughing loudly, stealing kisses from each other. Every time you stole kisses from her she would blush a deep red almost the same color as her hair.

"I love you Christina."

She smiled that lovely smile at hers at you. "I love you too."

End of Flashback

You wipes the tear that escaped your eye. "It's the same with out you. It quiet, everyday I wake up thinking I'll see you by my side. But you're not there. I walk into the house thinking I'll hear you playing your keyboard loudly like you always do...did. I miss you. I miss you so much." You cried as you buried your head between your knees. You closed your eyes wishing that she would come back or that you wake up from this nightmare.


You felt arms being wrapped around you. Arms that felt way too familiar. A pair of arms that you haven't felt in years. Your head snapped up turning around only to see those pair of eyes you've missed so much. You quickly stood up your eyes never leaving hers.


"Hey baby."

You cried as you quickly brought her into your arms. You buries your head in between her shoulder and neck. Holding her so so close your body. She hugged you back just as tight.

"Don't cry Y/NN. I'm right here. I've always been right here." You only hugged closer to you if that was even possible. She pulled away from you holding you buy your cheeks. She looked into your eyes as she smiled. That smile. The smile you've missed for so many months. The smile you wished to see person.

"Mom told me how sad you still are. Y/N I'm sorry." You only shook your head as your bottom lip trembled.

"You're gone." Your eyes never stopping at filling with tears once again blurring your eyes. She looked at you sadly as she wiped your tears with her thumps.

"No. I'm not. I've always been here with you. It kills me, no pun intended, seeing you like this. I'm sorry I left you. That was never the plan."

"It's not your fault. It was never your fault. I should have been there. I should been there with you. I could have-I could have stopped him. I could-Stop. Don't do this to your self. Don't. Please don't. Everyday I see how much you want to stop. How much you want to just quit at life. I see how much you don't want to be here anymore. It hurts me. It hurts me so much seeing you like this. It hurts me that I don't see you smile anymore. It hurts me to see cut everyone from your life."

"It's-It's just not the same without you. I want you here with me. I want you and it'll always be just you." You cried holding her tighter.

"I remember you said always wanted to start a family, you can't still have that. Leaving out in the country, have a farm with some rescue animals, have about four kids, have a job working with animals. You can still have all that."

"I can't." "Why not?" You moved your arms to cup her cheeks.

"Cause I wanted all those things with you. Only with you."

"Y/N, my life was stolen from me. I wanted those things too. My future was always going to be with you. But it can't anymore. I want you to live your life for me. Live your life for the both of us."

"But Chris-No Y/N promise me. Promise me you will." You let out a shaky breath and nodded.

"I promise." She smiled sadly and leaned forward kissing your lips.

"Remember, that I love you. I always will. I'll be here for you when your time comes. Be happy baby. Be happy for the both of us."

"I-I love you too."


You fluttered open seeing that you were laying down in front of the two tombstone of the people you dearly loved. Still love. You saw that the flowers you brought one was in front of you a single one right in front of you.

"I'll try Christina, only for you."


I can literally hear this gif

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I can literally hear this gif


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