Katie McGrath (Lena Luthor)

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A/N: You are her test subject

You walked in with literally a heavy heart. You were literally welling going to become a lab rat. Well it's not like you had much. You needed the money and if everything would go right than your heart wouldn't be so weak. Yes, you agreed but only for two reasons. You needed the money and you have HCM and it was getting worse. A whole lot worse.

You told your parents mostly your dad that you'll be leaving for a while. He asked where so you said that it was a school trip. You loved your dad he's like your best friend and you'd tell him anything. But not this. You couldn't. He knew about your HCM he just didn't know that it was getting worse. You had to waste a lot of your college money to buy the medicine you needed but you ran out and you needed them to keep you alive. Literally. You would ask your dad for some money but you knew he was struggling as well. He barely had enough for himself. If it weren't the for the scholarship you wouldn't even have gone to college.

You walked into the room to see a blonde curled haired woman standing there. "Are you Y/N Y/LN?" You nodded as she handed you some clothes and a clip board. You took the things and looked at the girl. "That's the contract read it over and if you agree with everything than sign and change into those clothes. If you don't, that's okay you can set it down show yourself out." You nodded once again and looked over the contact and signed it. She smiled and took the board. "I'll let you change. I'm Eve by the way."

"Nice to meet you." She smiled and left them room leaving you alone. You let out another sigh and quickly got changed. You put all your things in a locker that Eve told you put your things in. You looked down at your phone to see that you got a text from your dad.

Dad: hope you're having fun on your trip don't forget to take your medicine

You: I won't, love you dad

Dad: love you to kiddo

You turned off your phone and walked into the lab as Eve lead you in. She told me to sit down and that someone will be in here shortly. So know I was left alone. I let out a sigh as I sat on the bed that was kinda of cold. I kept my gaze on my lap and waited.

"Hello Y/N nice to meet you. I'm doctor Katie." You breath hitched at the woman in front of you. You didn't think that the person behind this experiment was going to be Lena Luthor. You have read about her only because your dad works for Catco and he gets the magazines.

You knew a lot about this woman and you admired her a lot.

"It says here that you have Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. How long have you had HCM?"

"Uh since I was fifteen but recently it's gotten worse." You saw her try to hid the sympathetic look. But you grew knowing how to read people. Lena Luthor wasn't no different.

"Okay let's start."



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