Alycia D. Carey (Commander Lexa)

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A/N:You risk your life for her

Ever since you were a child you always wanted to be a warrior. Yes you were small but you used your shortness as an advantage. With the help of Anya who was like a mother to you. You became one of the best warriors. Anya found you alone and lost in the forest at the age of five. She took you under her wing and since then has helped with your training. You were close to her and Indra. Even though Indra always had a blank stare she has a soft spot for you. She loved how fast you learned when she helped train you. Even at a young age, you learned quickly. She would never tell you this but she also liked your jokes. Well some of them.

Now you knew all about the nightbloods. You sometimes watched them train when you didn't have to train. One day you'll be protecting one of them. Just like Indra helps protect Anya. You watched the one of the young girls. She was amazing. She was only eighteen. Two years older than you. She fought with confidence and pride, showing no weakness.

Her name is Lexa. You have only spoken to her twice and that was because you were training with Anya and some other warriors. You were fighting with a man twice your size. You would like to say you were kicking some ass. He thought just because you were a small girl he'd beat you like nothing. But damn was he wrong. You made him look like a fool in front of your heda and other warriors.

'Nicely done child. You have improved.' You held back your smile and gave a small bow. 'Thank you heda.' Once all the warriors left you beamed up at her. She smiled softly at you. 'You have impressed me. You've achieved so much. Here I would like you to meet to someone child.' 'I am not a child.'

'Lexa Kom Triku meet Y/n. She is one of my best warriors in training.' You offered the taller brunette a small smile and small bow. 'Pleasure to meet Lexa Kom Triku.'

'Nice to put a face to the warrior that Heda talks a lot about."

Since then that day there were times when you'd train with Lexa. In the span of three months the two of you grew close. She was always there for you when you'd be in a way promoted to higher level of being a warrior. You were also there for her. Even though Lexa tried to mask it she cared a lot about you. She hated seeing you leave with the hunters and not be seen for days. She worried about you but she knew that you could take care of yourself. You knew this but and it warmed your heart to know that she cared so much about you. With time you grew to have feelings for her. It was to the point that you really loved her. You'd never tell her though.

You were respected by most men since you helped them when you would go out hunting with them. You were also a healer. Nyko gave you some lessons. And also with how many times you had to pay Nyko a visit cause of injuries you have received from training, fights or hunting. So Nyko taught you somethings.

You gave a small smile and nod when Lexa looked your way. She returned the nod with a smile you could only see. Your smile faded slight when Lexa's lover came into the training grounds. Costia. You looked away when they shared a kiss.


When Anya pulled you aside telling you that she was leading some warriors to get rid of that skaikru. You wanted to go with her. But she said no. You were ready to argue with her but she gave you that look so you nodded. When no one was looking you hugged her. She knew just how much you cared for her. Especially since you looked at her like if she was your mother. She also cared deeply about you which is why she didn't want you to go with her.

"Be safe please."

"You know I always will. I will be back in no time."


You paced back and forth waiting for their return. You knew they wouldn't be back any time soon. But you couldn't help but to wait.

"Waiting here will not do you any good child." At the sound of Indra's voice you turned around. You let out a sigh. "I can't help but to worry. We don't know anything about these ski people. Other than they fell from the ski. For all we know that boy could have lied to us." Indra placed her hand on your shoulder.

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