The Last of Us II( Abby Anderson)

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A/N: TLOUII didn't happen. Abby finds a German Shepard and he leads her to you.

It had been a long day from trying to hide from those stupid cult people. They were fucking crazy. Yelling at you, shooting at you, bullets and fucking arrows. A shot grazed you on the thigh making it hurt like a bitch. An arrow pierced through your shoulder. You were in so much pain but you had to keep moving. There was no way you were going to end up like those people who were hanged and gutted.

You weren't alone and honestly you cared more about your dog, Walle, than you did about yourself. He has saved you countless of times. But these assholes were good.

"Keep going boy." You whispered to Walle. You were good distance from those lunatics. All you needed was to find a place to lay low. All that shooting, whistling and fucking yelling was bond to attract infected. When you saw that the torches were no longer in sight you ducked into a building. Thanking god that it was raining so a blood trail wouldn't show them where you were.

"This way. Come on." You felt your legs give from under you when you finally shut the door. All the exhaustion from trying to fight off all those fucking assholes had finally caught up. Walle nudged your arm trying to get you to stand up.

After Walle helped you clear the floor. Which was empty. Thank god. You sat on the floor hissing in pain when you took off your backpack. You broke half of the arrow. Biting into the belt, you took out the broken arrow screaming into the belt. Hands shaking as your vision darkened. The last thing you heard were the faint barks of Walle.


Abby was on patrol with Manny and Alice. Just like always. They went from one post to another. With scars killing more WLF they have been a whole lot more careful. They tried doing a peace treaty but that didn't work. It didn't last long.

"What do you think of Issac wanting to go through the plan." Abby sighed watching as Alice walked a few feet up ahead.

"I think it's crazy. But it has to be do-Alice? What is it girl." At the sight of Alice getting in the position to fight they took out their guns. At the sound of the bushes moving they raised their guns. But at the sight of a German Shepard they looked at each other confused.

"Is it one of ours?" Manny asked as Alice got closer to the dog. They sniffed each other and as if she knew the dog wasn't bad she licked his fur. They put their guns down. The dog barked and looked behind him. The dog went to Abby's leg pants and pulled it.

"I think it wants us to follow it."

"What if it's a trap."

"Just keep your guard up."

They followed as it kept a good pace ahead. The dog looking back every few seconds to make sure they were following him. Alice trailed behind him as well. As the dog lead them to a building.


"Yea I know. Let's make this quick." They entered the building and the dog ran up the stairs. Barking as if to say hurry the hell up. When they went up the stairs they noticed the blood. At sound of the dogs whimpers. At entering the room they saw a girl in really bad shape.

You heard the sound of nails on hard wood floor.

"Walle?" You hissed in pain as you tried to sit up. But the figures standing not far from you made you stop and groan.

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