Ellie Williams (The Last of Us II)

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A/N: she finds you on her way back to Jackson. You're only twelve.

The walk back to Jackson felt like it was taking longer than when she left Jackson to Santa Barbara. She was tired but she was determined to get back to Dina as soon as possible. The weight of what she once felt was there but just not as heavy as it was before. She has accepted what went down in Santa Barbara. Letting Abby go was never the plan. But she couldn't kill her either. The pain of losing her two fingers was still there. The throb of pain that would shot to her stumps would happen so often.

She was going through a city in Nevada. When she heard gunshots and yelling. She moved fast moving to hide behind a car.

"Fuck! Where did that little shit go." She heard one of the men say as he yelled at one of four men he was with.

"The fuck you asking me for? You were the one watching her. How is it that this little punk ass got the upper hand on you. She's only twelve." She peaked through the broken car door and saw the one holding his hand glare at the other man

"She broke my fucking finger. Just fucking find her before she kills anyone else." Ellie couldn't help the small smile that formed. Serves him right. Before he could do anything a arrow shot from her right and hit him right between the eyes. It was followed by more arrows.

"Fuck! She's g-" The last man wasn't able to finish his sentence before he was too dead. Ellie looked to the side and saw a small girl peak out of the bus window you exited the bus bow at the ready. Ellie could see how much the younger girl was shaking. The Y/EC eyes filled with fear and tears. You limped towards the dead. You leaned down once you reached one of the men and Ellie just noticed a faded purple backpack that one of the dead men had. You picked up the backpack threw it over your shoulders.

Ellie slipped and her shotgun hit the car. You jumped and pulled the arrow back ready to let it fly towards the sound. Your hands shook all you wanted was your older brother but he was long dead. He died before you were taken by these assholes. He was your only family, your best friend. He took care of you since you were a baby. He was basically your dad. One day you got bitten he was so afraid more than you were. You were only eight when it happened. You knew what happens when someone gets bitten by the infected. But seeing your brother crying all you wanted to do was make him happy again. As hours went by and you still felt fine he was happy. Happy that you weren't going to leave him. Happy that he wouldn't have to put a bullet in your brain. After that he helped you cover it with a burn. It hurt but you knew it had to be done. You were on your own for a good four months after he died. You couldn't even sleep cause you were so scared.

"Fuck." Ellie softly said as she rose to her feet. She raised her hands in the air. You tried to steady your hand but they just wouldn't stop shaking. You tried to blink the tears away.

"A-Are you with them?"

"No. I'm just passing by." You kept the arrow trained on her. You knew better than to trust this complete stranger but from all the weapons she was carrying she could have easily shot you when you were retrieving your backpack. Before you could say anything you saw movement behind her. You acted quickly letting lose the arrow. Ellie flinched thinking you were going to shot her. When she looked behind her she saw the dead stalker.

"There will be more coming soon. I know a safer and faster way out of the city. It's up to you if wanna come with." You said in a quite voice, Ellie barely being able to hear you. But at the sight of how beat up you were and not to mention the limp. She knew she had to go with you. She didn't know why. But she felt like she needed to go with you. Maybe it was because the girl reminded her of herself. So she went with you.


You lead her down the swears. There was one path that your brother found that was clear and lead you out of the city safely. He showed you where some entrances were just in case you were ever in a pickle and needed an out. Ellie follows behind you.

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