Dolan Twins (Triplets)

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A/N You have a stalker

Ever since your older brothers joined. You made it your mission to make sure the internet thought that the Dolan twins were just that. Twins. And not triplets. Ethan and Grayson didn't mind. You liked watching from the sidelines. Just cause you were always there to support your older brothers. Yoh loved them dearly and would do anything for them. Same thing with your older sister Cameron.

As years went by, your older brother became more and more famous. The internet still didn't know about you. Which you did not mind. At all. You loved being able to go out and no one knows you. Your brothers on the other hand did not have the same luxury. They couldn't go out with out being mobbed. Sometimes even your older sister would be stopped by some fans.

The times you would hang out with your older brothers. You would mostly stay in and hang out at their house in LA or back in Jersey. You were going to school in New York. Which was not that far from home but still far from home. Sometimes you'd get home sick and just want your brother, sister and cuddle like you would use to.

Grayson and Ethan were some times seen as a couple dumb teenagers on the internet. There were a lot of people who thought that those boys were jerks, entitled boys, other names you'd rather not say. But you knew who they were. They were your big brothers, your sweet, protective, sometimes jerks, best friends, the boys you could talk to when you needed to. The boys that would beat up anyone who made you cry. The boys who would literally fly to New York if you'd ask them to. You knew them better than anyone.

I mean you three were triplets.


"Hey peanut do you wanna join us?" You shook your head at the nickname. When you first ate a peanut butter sandwich things went bad for you. Since oh I don't know, you're allergic to peanuts. You don't know why but the nickname just stuck after that. Now back to the question that was asked, they always asked. Every time you were in their presence when they shot their videos. They always asked. You would always say 'no thanks'. You did felt bad every time you'd turn them down.

"What are you guys filming?"

"Oh we are doing a challenge. Boys vs girls. Cameron needs a partner." You looked into Ethan's hopeful eyes. Grayson matched his twin's puppy eyes. You groaned and nodded.


"Yes!!" They both cheered.


"What's up guys, we're back!"

"Today's video is special. Cause not only are we filming a video with our older sister Cameron who you know but our little triplet, Y/N who you don't."

"I'm only two inches shorter than you Gray and inch shorter than E."

"Yea Guys this is our triplet Y/N."

"That's right the Dolan Twins are Triplets."


"Woo yea! This proves that the female Dolan siblings are the best." Cameron cheered as she high fives you. You laughed at the look your slightly older brothers had. But they soon laughed as well.

"Okay guys that's it for this video. Hope you enjoyed it. See you next time. Peace!"


Oh my god there's three of them and one of them is a GIRL!!

Please tell me she's a lesbian or at least bi

This right here is why I'm Bisexual

Damn she's fine as fuck

She'll be mine


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2020 ⏰

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