Kendall Jenner

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A/N: For @kekeiik_me

That feeling, that stupid feeling that you just couldn't stop loving her. You gave her everything, you loved her, you should her just how much you fucking cared about her, you showed her what she meant to you. And what did you get in return? She broke your heart. She didn't care that she broke your heart. No she was too busy banging the other girl in your bed. All those years you spent with her. Those years that now felt, what they were memories. Memories you wished you could forget. Five years. Gone. Thrown down the drain. You never understood why would someone still love someone after they broke their heart. Now you understood. After what she did you still love her.

And you hate yourself for that.


It's been a good two months since that night. You've done everything in your power to avoid Kendall and anyone who would try to talk you into talking to Kendall. You avoided the Kardashian/Jenner family at all costs. Yes they were like a second family to you but after what happened you just couldn't face them.

After countless of missed phone calls, texts messages, voicemails you blocked Kendall. She tried numerous of times to apologize to you. But you didn't listen to her. You don't got the heart to. You were so angry. So angry. Why couldn't she just break up with you? She had to go cheat on you and make you hurt like you've never had before. She could have told you that she didn't love you anymore. Yes you'd be heart broken but this. What you saw hurt you even more. She broke you and you didn't even now how to fix your broken heart.

You did the only thing that's helped you since you were a teen. Write. You stayed up day and night. Pouring your heart out.

Kris who was like mother to you tried her best to talk to you. She was more than disappointed when she found out that you and Kendall broke up. Kris was more than sure that you and Kendall were going to get married. Kris was mad at Kendall for breaking your heart. She was pissed and she wasn't the only one. Kim, Khloe, Kourtney, Kylie, Rob, Scott. They were all pissed.

Kris got in contact with your manager and practically made him tell her your whereabouts.


You had your head phones in as you listened to the recorded version of one of the songs you wrote. You went back and fixed some things. You wanted this to be perfect. You had to set your mind on something or you'll just go down a hole and do something stupid or regretful.

You didn't hear the door opening to your studio.

"Y/N." Kris sighed sadly when you turned around and she saw just how devastated and heart broken you were. Your eyes were a still a slight red color you had small bags under your eyes. She went to you and pulled you close to her. You hugged her back just as tight softly crying. You weren't able to get the comfort you needed from someone. Kylie was your best friend but she was Kendall's sister. You were an only child and you didn't have the best relationship with your parents. So you were by yourself for the past two months. Kris was like the mother you wished you had. She cared so deeply about you. Would call you every afternoon to invite you to dinner at her place. That's when you're in town.

"Come on you need rest." You only nodded as she lead you away.


"But Kri-No Y/N you go every year. You are coming this year. If not for me then for the kids. They miss you. They always mention when is auntie Y/NN coming. Plus everyone misses. Don't think Kim, Kourtney and Khloe won't come here and drag you to the party. Cause you know they will." You sighed and looked down. You didn't want to go. You weren't sure if you were ready to face Kendall. You didn't know if you had the heart to face her. You're pretty sure you didn't.

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