Ellie & Dina (The Last of Us II)

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A/N: What if the truck Jesse drove when Ellie and him were escaping from the WLF never wrecked. What if she some how convinced Jesse to take Dina back to Jackson.

Ellie shut the door and put the chair in it's place. Standing awkwardly when Dina went straight to helping Jesse. She knows she shouldn't be jealous. But fuck she couldn't help it. There was just something about this scene and she hated it. She hated how she felt like she was third wheeling.

"-I heard you were sick." Ellie fiddled with the truck keys. They were lucky. Very lucky that the truck works and could most likely make it back to Jackson once all this is finished. She looked back at Dina and Jesse. The only things running threw her mind was that Dina was going to have his kid. And that she'll eventually have to tell him. Jesse would want to be there for the kid and Dina. Which would most likely resolve into them getting back together. And who was she to stop that.


Her hands shook. She was tired. So tired. But she had to finish this. Or just find Tommy. Would she be alright with letting Abby live. No. But she'll live with it. But Dina had to go. She needs to go back to Jackson. She's too sick to be out here. Ellie wants nothing more than to go with her but she can't leave Tommy.

She clenched her jaw and sat up from where she laid. She was still very bruised and sore from last night. So in shock that she barley registered what happened at the hospital. Once she was dressed she picked up her back pack and walked out.

Her gaze landed on Dina and she let out sigh when she saw how sweaty she looked. Dina wasn't doing good. If anything she was doing worse. Ellie reached down and felt her forehead. She also felt how shaky she was. It was set. She had to convince Jesse.

"She didn't do so well last night." They walked away a good distance. So they wouldn't wake up Dina.

"You need to take her back to Jackson." Jesse stared at her eyes squinting at her.

"Me? You know she won't leave without you." Ellie looked down at her hands. She couldn't leave Tommy. "I know but she also can't stay here. She isn't doing any better. I can't leave Tommy. He's out here because of me." When she saw that he wasn't being convinced she continued.

"She's pregnant with your kid. You have to take her Jesse. Being out here isn't good for her. Please Jesse while she's asleep." He looked back at Dina and exhaled. "Okay." The red head gave a slight nod. "Go get the truck. I'll get Dina."

"She's going to be pissed. You know that." "Better than being dead."

She walked towards the sleeping dark brown head girl. "I'm sorry. I hope you'll understand. Probably not but just know that I love you." She gently picked you Dina, Dina leaning her head against Ellie's chest. She walked to the door where she saw Jesse holding the door open. She gently put Dina in the truck laying her down. Hopefully she'll wake up when they're long gone from Seattle. She bent Dina's knees and shut the door after covering her with a blanket.

"Can't make you change your mind can I." Jesse asked as he put his hand on her shoulder.

"I can't leave Tommy. As soon as I find him. We'll try to catch up to you. And if we don't. We'll see you at Jackson. Oh and here. This will help you get back to Jackson." She handed him the gas pump hose. Jesse nodded and went around the truck. But before he could get in Ellie called out to him.

"Jesse..keep her safe." "You know I will."


"Ellie it's alright. Breath. Come on." She was lead away from two dead bodies. Her hands shaking like never before. As Tommy lead her away she puked what ever she had left in her stomach. She didn't focus on the bite mark that the dog gave her on her arm but on the sick feeling she had. She just killed a pregnant woman. The baby. She killed a baby.

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