Andrew Lincoln (Rick Grimes)

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A/N: you get separated from the group after the governor attacks the prison

It was loud. The explosions, the gun fire. You were disoriented and your vision was hazy. You saw the walkers or someone approaching you. When the walker lunged at you, you acted fast. Putting your knife straight to through the walkers brain. You turned and ran. Ran into the woods. Looking back at the prison. The prison that was considered a home.

You turned and ran. Running as fast as your legs could take you. You met rick and the gang when they were at the barn. You were friends with Maggie and you loved Rick and his group. So since the. You stuck with Rick. After Lori died you were the one to bring back Rick. He broke down in front of you and he let you hold him.

Things since then have been, different. There's been some unspoken feelings between you to. You weren't in no way in hell going to tell him. There was no way. He just lost his wife who was a beautiful woman but also cheated on him. Now you weren't one to judge. But you didn't like Shane. Not one bit.

After a while Rick and you got together this was after Rick took in some of the people that lived with the governor. You helped him heal. And he loved you so much.

Your group was family. But now you were alone. By yourself.

It's been a long few days since you were alone. You kept moving you couldn't stay in one place. It was too dangerous. You didn't know what to do or where to go. You missed Rick. You missed Carl. You missed everyone.

You needed food. So you were out hunting. With the lessons that Daryl taught you back at the river. You threw your knife at the squirrel. You were hungry. Good god were you hungry.

"You're good." You jumped up knife at the ready.

"My name is Aaron."

You just looked at him. It was hard for you to trust anyone these days. So you stayed guarded.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I have camp. Down that way. It has walls you'll be safe. There's food, clothes. You'll have shelter. If you don't like you'll leave with some supplies."

You nodded after thinking it over. He smiled and nodded as he lead the way. You brought your squirrel just in case.

The walk was mostly him talking about his camp. How good the people were and you would fit in just fine cause you reminded him of his partner. He told you that this partner would usually do the recruiting with him but he had to stay back cause of a shot wound.

You only listened and when you arrived to the camp shit were you speechless this place looked amazing.

"Eugene open the gate. We got company."

Once the gate opened a man with a mullet hair dye opened was standing there.

"Well hello there my name is Eugene."

You just nodded looking around. Trying to see if there were other exits just in case.

"Come are leader would want to meet you. But first I'll take you to a room where you can get cleaned up. There should be clothes in the closest that fit you." He lead you into a two story house.

"Make yourself at home. I'll be back in about an hour. Our leader should be back by then." You once again. Once he shut the door you quickly looked around the place and you didn't find anything. Nothing that made this place seem dangerous. You made your way up the stairs and figured you'd just rake a quick shower.


You felt better after getting cleaned up. It's been a while since you felt refreshed and cleaned. You even cut your hair which was way too long after almost two years of not cutting it. It was not shoulder length. You made your way downstairs only to stop when you heard sounds coming from the kitchen. You reached for your knife but remembered that you left it with Eugene.

"You don't have to be afraid I ain't gonna hurt ya."

That voice. You knew that voice. You haven't heard that voice in like two years. But it couldn't be. Could it.

You walked into the kitchen and saw his back.

"Rick?" You whispered. He froze at the sound of your voice. He turned around and his eyes filled with tears at seeing you alive.

"Y/N" He rushed to you and skooped you up into a tight hug. You hugged him back just as tight.

"You're alive." He held you by your cheeks and smiled. You smiled back through your tears.

"How did-it's a long story. I'll tell you after you eat. You look like you haven't eaten. Are you hurt do you need a doctor. We have a doctor she can have a look at ya."

"No I'm okay. I'm perfect." He leaned down and kissed you. Kissing you like never before.

You were now home.



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