Supergirl/The Last of Us II/Donna Troy

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A/N: part two Also Donna Troy comes up in this one.

It's been three months since you met the Jackson crew. You couldn't go like you wanted to do. Cause of all the crime. All your classes. You break up with Felicia. She had to move away cause of her parents. They moved their business on the other side of the god damn world. You missed her like crazy but it was better that way. It was tough and you missed the Jackson crew. You wanted to go over there and make sure they were okay. They were living in a zombie apocalypse world. Then again they've been living in that world for like over twenty years.

"Y/N, sweety?"

"Oh sorry mom. What is it?" You looked up from your finished economics homework. Closing your book and giving your CEO mom all your attention.

"What's on your mind? Is it earth 13?" Lena sat her tablet down and looked at you. Ever since you literally came crashing into her life, you were like her little sunshine. Like if you were meant to crash through her window. She cared so deeply about you. It was hard for her to try and not to care about you. But when she found out how you were alone on this earth. She knew she couldn't turn her back on you. You were only a young teen. She couldn't send you off alone. So she took you in. You helped her see that she needed to fix things with Kara. With your help she and Kara were now married. And she's never been happier.

"Yea. It's just I'm worried about them. I can't imagine what they go through day to day. What if they're running out of medical supplies. Or it's still cold out there. The storm that went through when I was there was so bad. What if they need warm clothes. Or food. They could be running out of food. They're so many people living in Jackson." Lena reached over wrapped her around your shoulders bringing you in closer.

"You have such a big heart Y/N. There isn't much I could say to calm your nerves. But you are finished with school. Kara and the rest of the super friends. Have things under control. If you really want to-Yes! I'm gonna go to the stores and by some supplies I know they'll need. Oh thank you mama. Can you call mom and tell her. Oh I'm so excited." Lena let out a small laugh at how fast you jumped up. She knew how down you were when you and Felicia broke up. With Felicia half across the world. The two teenagers thought that a break up would be better. You basically threw yourself into your homework and hero stuff. What you didn't know is that Felicia stayed in contact with Lena and Kara. Asking for updates on how you've been.

Felicia still and will always love you.

"Sweetheart take my card-but m-No take it. You know I have more money than I can count. Now go. And take Kevin and Frank with you." You nodded and kissed her cheek before dashing out of the door. Lena smiled and shook her head. You were in so many ways like Kara. But in some ways you were also like Lena.


"Wow. Do you plan on staying over there?" Kara half joked when you and the bodyguards came in with all the bags. There was way too much bags. Some of the helpers down stairs had to help with all the bags.

"What you're doing Ms.Luthor-Danvers is amazing. The people in shelters will be so thankful." The man from the front of office said. You thanked them as they put all the bags down. They all left and you smiled happily at your moms.

"I got everything they would need. Even got Joel some coffee beans. Like a lot of coffee beans. I should go put all these things in the huge duffel bags I got. Thanks mama. Here's your card." You kissed both of your moms cheeks before sitting your self on living room floor. And starting to organize all the stuff. Putting the things you got for Ellie, Joel, Dina, Jesse, JJ, Maria and Tommy in one bag. And the rest of the supplies in the others. It came down to four huge duffle bags.

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