The Last of Us II (Abby Andreson)

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A/N: you're immune and she finds out

You got bit just a few weeks ago on a patrol run when you went by yourself. That stupid stalker sneaked up on you and bit your arm. You were able to kill it but it already bit you. You were screwed and scared as hell. You cried for who knows how long. What were you going to tell your sister, your girlfriend, your friends. You were going to turn into one of those things and leave your sister alone in this fucked up world. She was back at the arena doing her duties as a nurse with Mel.

Your stupid ass got distracted. Plus you thought that you secured the area well. Well you didn't. Just not the whole thing. You were in a house and found a lot of cool shit. Like comics, books with a kid on the front cover with round glasses and weird scar on the corner of his forehead. They looked interesting so you put them in your backpack. Along with some things your sister would like. As you were looking in a drawer you heard the floor creek behind you. You turned around and saw the infected lunge at you. You were so caught off guard that you were barely able to get your knife out of your pocket and put it in his head. It fell limp on you. When you finally got it off you, you let out a huge sigh of relief. It didn't take you long for you to feel the pain coming from your right forearm. Your eyes widen as you saw the blood oozing out of the bite mark.

You didn't know what to do. You spent a good two hours crying. You couldn't kill yourself. As much as you didn't want to turn into one of those things. You also couldn't kill yourself. You couldn't do it your self. When hours went by and nothing was happening you were a bit confused. Everyone you knew turned in less than two hours. It's been five. You stayed put. You didn't want to go back to the arena and risk turning and killing someone. But if you were to see two last people it would be your sister and Abby. Who was your best friend and only family you had left. Abby who was the love your life.

You fell asleep. Figuring you didn't want to be awake while you turned. What woke you up was the thunderstorm happening outside. You know you couldn't go out side in that. Not like you planned to. Abby would most likely be pissed and worried when she gets back from her patrol. You weren't planned to go out today but the guy how was, got sick and you owed him. So you went. You looked down at your bite mark and wiped the blood. You looked back at your gun and put it in your holster. You sat on the chair after checking the house once more and bracketing the door. You took out your journal and wrote down a goodbye letter.


But as days went by and you didn't turn. Which left you speechless. All those nights you spent awake
Waiting for yourself to turn were horrible. On the fourth day you saw that your bite wound was healing you were...confused but so thankful you didn't turn.

The storm has gotten worse and you were running low on food. You were good on water but food was running low. You were far from the arena. The furthest you've been alone. Usually you were always with Abby or Owen sometimes Manny. You couldn't go back with the bite wound so you did the only thing that you could think of. Chemical burn. So that's what you did. And man did it hurt.


Now you were going out with Abby on patrol. It's been precisely a month now since you got bit. You haven't told anyone. Not even your sister who you tell everything. When you got back they were all there once they got the heads up. The patrol that was heading found you and radio in that you were coming in and needed medical attention. Abby and your sister were in fact pissed but oh so relived you were okay. They both cried and refused to leave your side. Owen and Manny were in over protective brother mode and almost fought Gerard who runs the list of who goes out on patrols.

"Babe are you su-Abby for the last time. I'm okay and I want to go with you. Plus I have my strong ass girlfriend watching my back. I got nothing to worry about." She chuckled slightly and leaned down a bit to kiss your lips. You weren't going to lie. When you first got back and Abby tried to kiss you went into a panic. What if she kissed you and got infected. You didn't know how this shit works. So for the longest you held off which only lasted three days. When she kissed you, you fucking cried. She was confused and thought that it was about being on your own. She held tight and for second you did feel comfort. When she fell asleep. You stayed awake.

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