Chapter 41: The Only Option

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*Rachel POV*

Dan sat to my right side and Phil to my left on the couch.

"Alright," Dan said, looking across the Phil and making eye contact with him so he knew the conversation was beginning. Phil sat up in attention. "Phil and I have some ideas of how we could possibly help you stay in England."

"Alright," I said, looking back and forth between them, waiting for ideas.

"First we want to go to the Google building. Since you're their partner, maybe they can help you stay and you could get a work visa," Phil said.

"We don't know exactly how it works, but we've made an appointment with someone at Google who can explain to us what they could and would do," Dan said.

"Is it likely that they will do something?" I asked.

There was a brief silence in which Dan and Phil looked at each other. "Yeah, probably," Phil spoke.

"So get ready, we're going to walk there, and it's chilly out," Dan smiled at me.

"Alright," I smiled, "Just lemme get my coat."


*Dan POV*

The front door shut behind Rachel. The room was silent. The silentness made me think. How likely was it really to make a difference?

"I, I feel kind of guilty. I'm not sure I can do this," I played with my hair nervously.

"What do you mean?" Phil asked. "Isn't it likely?"

"Well, I don't know much about law. I did take a bit of it though. It's... Kinda not easy. I mean, Google is an international company. Even if Rachel said she couldn't do YouTube in America, would they try and get England to keep her here? And could they? Her job doesn't contribute to the economy here. And I guess if she was Pewdiepie it would be different. She's not super popular on YouTube. If she stops making videos, will Google really suffer from it? I feel like we're giving her false hope."

Phil looked at me and opened his mouth to respond. There was a small fragment of a pause in time. Then the door opened, and Rachel appeared.

"I'm ready," she grinned, wearing several layers of clothing.

I smiled when I saw her, and was glad she was here. If she did had to leave England, which she probably was going to have to, these could be these final moments. But I was lying to her. I was giving her false hope.


*Phil POV*

Dan knew law better than I could, but I did know that Rachel needed encouragement. If she didn't have hope at all, there would be no chance.

"Here we are," Dan said quietly, looking up at the towering Google building.

"It's huge," Rachel said.

"You'll never get used to it's size, trust me," Dan said.

"The inside is really cool," I spoke.

"Phil's right," Dan smiled, taking her hand. "Let's go inside."

I felt my stomach drop in sadness as I followed them inside.


*Rachel POV*

They were right. It was truly amazing. We walked into a huge room. People were walking about in suits and dresses in a room that was decorated so.. Designer? I didn't know the word for it. Everything matched and looked clean. From the main room, I could see even more smaller rooms, interview rooms, offices.. As we walked by I looked inside each. The furniture looked comfy. There were lamps matching the furniture and pool tables and chess boards. Desks were coated in color-coordinating decorations. At one point I even saw A SLIDE.

My Neighbors the YouTubers (A danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now