Chapter 13: Explanations

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*Phil POV*

"I don't think it's right," I said to Dan a few days after we ran into Rachel.

"Phil this is my decision, leave it alone," Dan mumbled almost too quietly for me to hear.

"I think she has the right to know why we stopped talking to her, at least. Didn't you see her? She's really sad."

"She'd be even more sad if we let it continue. Phil, in a few weeks it'll all be better. Not to mention it's already slowed down the last couple days, though I don't know why. No more drama. She'll be happy and it won't happen again!"

I frowned, "I don't think you're right."

"Whatever, Phil."

It was hard for me to be as bold as I had been. I never really wanted to disagree with Dan or cause any trouble. But I did disagree, and Rachel was horribly sad. I could tell. Everything didn't seem right.

I got on my computer across from Dan on the sofa. Things were silent for a while.

The rain started pounding on the roof as the evening came.

I saw Dan jerk his head to the side from the corner of my vision and I looked up, "What?"

"Is it that late already?" Dan looked at the clock across the flat.

"Yes, why? Are you going somewhere?"

"Yeah. I said I'd meet some old friends somewhere."

"Oh okay. Bye then!" I said as Dan grabbed a coat and headed outside.

The flat returned to its quiet state, minus the trickling of the raindrops.

I sat and thought for a while. I went on tumblr. After scrolling for a while, I found a hashtag #downwithrachel and found all this hate art and hate posts about her. I felt internally sad.

I pulled out my phone. No, Phil, I thought to myself, Dan is going to be furious.

I did it anyway.

Hi. I need to tell you something. Can I come over? -Phil

I sent it.

I didn't know how to feel. I was anxious. Did I just ruin everything?

Oh no. Please don't. My flat's a mess. I'm a mess too. -Rachel

Then come over here. I don't care if you're all dressed up or not. I'm in my pajamas anyway -P

Oh no, what if Dan came back before she left? He'll be so mad at me.

Alright. Be there in a few -R

I turned off my laptop and set it aside. I heard a knock on the door.

I opened the door, knowing who it was.

Rachel looked about the same way as I saw her last. She looked extremely tired. She wouldn't smile. But she was still Rachel.

"Come in," I smiled and pointed over to the sofa.

I closed the door behind her and sat down next to her on the sofa.

"What did you want to tell me?" She asked seriously, looking me in the eyes with her tired expression.

"I don't know where to start... Dan would be furious if he knew we were talking right now, but it didn't feel right to not explain."

She looked confused, "Okay."

"After rumors about Ran spread on the internet and hate came to you, Dan decided it would be best to stop communicating with you."

"He doesn't want to be seen with me."

My Neighbors the YouTubers (A danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now