Chapter 17 - Starting YouTube

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*Rachel POV*

I closed my laptop and tried to shake off the empty feeling in my stomach from the memories that flooded over me. You're starting YouTube today. It's a good day. I promise.

But how do I start?

I need a camera, right. Should've thought about that one.

I forgot something vital. Need a camera? Help -Rachel

Oh yeah. That's pretty important. You could always use Phil and my camera. I could film for you and show you how to use it -Dan

Oh gosh. Don't film for me Dx I already feel weird talking to a camera. I don't think someone in the background will make me feel like less of a loser -R

You aren't a loser, but alright -D

Yes I am -R

Well then I'm more of a loser -D

Nope, lies -R

I still have to win this competition -D

A few minutes later, I heard a knock on my door and I knew who it was.

Dan was there with a large camera on a tripod, "It works really well now that the lens isn't broken," he laughed. "One loser point to me."

I opened the door for him as he shuffled in carrying the camera.

"Don't drop it," I teased him.

He laughed and rolled his eyes.

"Where do you want to film?" He asked me.

In response I twirled around to look for a good location. Lighting in my flat was pretty bad. I needed a place to sit where the sun would shine on me, but not so much that I would end up looking like a pale disaster.

"Um," I verbalized my confusion, "Well the couch has a nice backdrop but the lighting is from behind... And then I don't think I want to film in my room really. The kitchen table is an odd location to be.."

"Just close the shutters behind the couch," Dan explained. "The light coming through the side window over there will be good with the light coming from the small window there," he pointed at a window to the side of the TV, directly in front of me.

"Perfect," I smiled, "you're pretty good at this."

"Well I used to use sunlight before I switched to lighting equipment," he smiled back.

"Well, should we test it, or whatever? To see the background looks okay and the colors aren't bad? I dunno." I felt like an idiot because I had no experience. I looked down and felt my face grow hot.

"Yeah of course," Dan said, "that's exactly what you do."

"Oh crap," I looked down at myself. "I should probably change into something lighter," I laughed, "Be right back."

I quickly ran down into the hallway and into my room. I unwound my scarf from my neck. I removed my jacket and sweater and changed into a comfy thin long sleeve sweater that was ombre from pink to white. I put on plain black leggings. I took off my shoes. No one was going to see my feet anyway.

My hair was an absolute disaster. Even though I used an umbrella, my hair was damp. I took apart my hair bun and my hair exploded into a million waves and curls of different directions. I looked at myself horrified in the mirror and ran into the bathroom.

I brushed out the craziness, but my hair was still left all puffy. I repaired my makeup, renewing concealer that I accidentally rubbed off my face all the time, and mascara that went dead over time.

My Neighbors the YouTubers (A danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now