Chapter 53: Dangerous and Lovely Plans

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*Rachel POV*

I was cuddled up on Dan's arms until about sunset, when a cautious knock sounded from outside the hotel room.

Dan and I separated. He sat up on the bed, and we looked at each other in the eyes briefly, when he slid to the edge of the bed, landed on his feet, and walked to the door. I curled myself into a blanket. Although it was probably hot enough outside to make a six course meal on the pavement, the hotel was generous in supplying air conditioning. I was still wearing shorts and a tank top, with nothing else to change into, so I was a bit cold. But then, cuddles. It was lovely.

Dan opened the door, revealing Cat and Phil. "Hey, Dan. Is everything okay?"

Dan motioned them both inside, and I waved at them, with a blanket over my head like I was a blanket-ditto. "We're all good."

Phil smiled brightly. Cat gave me a thumbs up, and I returned a thumbs up to her.

"Have you guys eaten?" She asked, "Phil and I already ate. Have you guys been here the whole time?"

I looked at the clock and smiled embarrassingly, feeling my cheeks heat up. It was almost eight. Dan also looked back at the clock, meeting my eyes hallway. He laughed. "Nope. I'm just realizing I'm hungry. I didn't even eat lunch..."

I smiled. Not that it was good that he didn't eat. I would make him food if he didn't eat. Not that I was the best cook, but I cared for him. A lot. I would probably do anything for him. It was lovely and terrifying in equal measure. But yeah, I had a feeling he really cared about me too. He didn't even realize he was hungry.

"I better be going," I slid the blanket off my head, probably leaving my bangs in a giant poof ball. And then, off of my shoulders, leaving it behind on the bed as I stood up.

Suddenly, I remembered the thing about my mom. I opened my mouth to speak, but then realized maybe it wasn't the best thing to get Dan and Phil's hopes up. I wished Cat wouldn't tell them either. She didn't have a reason to though, so I thought she wouldn't tell them in the end.

Dan looked at me curiously.

"I just remembered something. It's nothing," I smiled.

I looked around the room at everyone, and waved them all goodbye. "I'm hoping to come back tomorrow," I said.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow," Cat offered, "What's your address?"

I looked around the room, and found a piece of paper and pen near the phone on the table. I wrote it down, paused and then realized it would probably be a good idea to give her my number too, so I wrote that down too. I handed it to her.

"Thanks so much," I said honestly, smiling a bit too much.

Maybe it was just for this weekend, but it seemed like everything was coming together. Things were easier.

I waved goodbye once again, and then gave everyone hugs.


"You're completely sure about this?" Abby said, scooping up cereal into her spoon and putting it into her mouth.

I set my bowl into the dishwasher in its appropriate spot, and then closed the door. "I think so."

"Your mom is insane." Are you really going to see her?"

"Apparently. I still have her number... And I'm certain the handwriting is hers."

"You don't have to go alone."

I exhaled, facing away, and finding my hands to be gripping on the counter, "I can't drag you or anyone else into this. Especially not Dan or Phil."

"I'll go with you."

"I'm fine."

"You're lying."

It sometimes really sucks when someone knows you very well.

I didn't say anything, but grabbed my keys from the counter and shoved them into my purse.

There was a knock at the door. I walked up to it, breathed, and then opened it.

"Ready to go?" Cat asked.

I smiled, "Yeah."


Walking around VidCon with my hand in Dan's felt oddly nice. People turned heads, either smiling or scowling. Either way, I had Dan.

"I'm glad you came today," Dan said. "I have an idea."


"I'll tell you at lunch."

We walked a bit too far in the heat to get to the place where we were eating lunch. I didn't mind walking, but, the heat.

We were seated at a table for two. Dan pulled my chair out for me, even though I told him how unnecessary it was. I wasn't ever really fond of guys doing a lot for me. It just felt... awkward. Dan was like my best friend. Yeah I was dating him, but yeah, he didn't need to do so much for me. I wanted things to be equal? I don't know.

"I'm so glad you were able to come to VidCon," Dan smiled, his dimple appearing.

I instantly smiled at his smile, "Me too."

"How did you manage it?"

I froze. Not the best way to start out a date. I looked up at him, must've being paused for a long time. I didn't want to lie to him, but I didn't want to get his hopes up, either. "Someone sent me a ticket anonymously. Someone who saw me and found out where I lived."

He laughed, but then his eyebrows flattened out in concern, "Um, stalker?"

"Kind of? It was sweet though. And I haven't been killed yet," I laughed, hoping he wouldn't ask any further questions.

"So who sent this mysterious ticket?" He joked.

I stared down at my menu, looking for what to order, and ignoring his question.


"The Italian penne pasta looks good," I blurted out.

"Do you know who sent it?" He asked more seriously, "I don't like the idea of you being followed around."

I sighed, and embraced myself, "It was my mom."

"What? No, that's not right."

"But it is. It was without a doubt her handwriting."

"She would not want you to be here with me."

"She must've changed her mind. I'm going to see her-"

"You are NOT going to see her! She's a horrible person, Rachel. Don't forgive her."

I did have a tendency to forgive too easily, despite my tendency to not trust anyone. What if he was right? What if she was just playing another one of her games? But I knew, I was lucky Dan and I worked things out. If I was going to see him again, and actually still have him, talking to her was my only chance.

"I am going. You can't tell me what to do."

"I'll go with you then."

"Leave it, Dan. I'm going after this lunch. I'll be fine. I can take care of myself. I'm much stronger than I used to be."

I could tell that he was thinking. "Well, alright," he said.

The waitress came back. She had beautiful brown curly hair, was thin but not in the 12 year old looking way that I was, and was tall. I was instantly jealous. "What can I get you to drink?" She asked.

"Just water," I said.

"Water," Dan said.

She nodded, writing on her notepad, and then walking away.

"Anyway," I breathed, and then looked up to his eyes, "What was your plan?"

"Do you want to go to VidCon prom with me tonight?"

My mouth dropped open. Okay, that gives me no time to prepare. "Of course," I said anyway, smiling probably from ear to ear. It sounded magical. I would have to make it work.

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