Chapter 40: Christmas Morning

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*Rachel POV*

I woke up with an odd feeling, like things just didn't feel right. I wasn't quick to, you know, be awake, but I instantly could tell that I wasn't where I normally was when I woke up.

I turned on my back and scooted myself up to that I was sitting. I instantly recognized the wall in front of me, and the black and gray checkered duvet confirmed my speculations. To my side, Dan was there, spread out across under the duvet. His hair was curled up into its natural state. I smiled at his sleeping expression, but things still didn't feel right. Sharing a bed with Dan was still... I don't know. I didn't sleep as well as I thought I would.

I bent to my side and turned on my phone screen. It was only 7 AM.

I thought about going back to sleep, but I was surprisingly awake. It was like something told me to get up.

I carefully slid off the bed, making sure not to rock it too much and wake Dan. I tiptoed out of Dan's room, and shut the door quietly behind me.

I looked to Phil's door, which was closed.

The flat was quiet. I mean, it was morning. Mornings were usually quiet. But I was just thinking about the quietness. Was that weird? Probably.

I crossed the flat and went to the front door. I opened it, looking outside. I wondered, I wondered if going for a walk would clear my head.

My door opened across the hall. I jumped. My mom walked out, pulling her suitcase behind her. She looked up. Our eyes met. I was afraid. Was this the last time I would ever see her?

"Merry Christmas," I greeted, forcing myself to speak. "Leaving already?"

"Yep," she said simply. "Getting a ticket to LAX isn't too difficult."

I swallowed, "I wish things could've worked out better between us, honestly."

She smirked, "Well, goodbye."

"Goodbye," I said.

I was oddly glad I woke up to say my goodbyes. I had to get it out. I had to say it.


Arms wrapped around me. I felt myself tense up.

"What's wrong?" Dan asked.

"Nothing," I tried to sound lighthearted.

"You're shaking," he said, removing his arms from me.

"I just didn't expect it. Sorry, I'm fine," I assured him.

I faced toward him and buried my face into his chest, clinging onto him.

I didn't want to talk about it.


*Phil POV*

CHRISTMAS! My head spun with the thought of Santa coming and presents under the tree.

I almost jumped out of bed, hardly landing on my feet, almost completely falling on my face. I didn't mind, because it was Christmas.

I skipped to Dan's door, knocking quickly. Christmas, christmas, CHRISTMAS!

"Dan, wake up! It's Christmas!" I opened the door quickly, a bit too excited to think.

I opened my eyes as the door flew open. Dan wasn't alone. There was someone with him. I looked a little longer. It was Rachel.

My heart dropped. I was no longer so excited. My mouth was hanging open.

"Um," Dan said. "Just give us a second."

Were they...? No, okay. Don't think about it. Go away.

And so nodded and tried to smile. "I'll make breakfast," I offered. I shut the door in front of me.

I sighed quietly, realizing just how everything was. They must've slept together. This was it. I liked her. She made me feel all happy inside, but she's never like me. She was with Dan.

I went down the hallway into the kitchen to make some cereal.


*Dan POV*

"I hope you'll like what I got you," I smiled, despite it being morning.

Rachel silently gathered her clothes in her hands, not responding.


"What? Did you say something?"

"Yeah. I said 'I hope you'll like what I got you.'"

"Oh right. Sorry. I'm just kinda preoccupied. I mean, it's morning. I'm sure I'll love it. It's from you after all."

Something didn't seem completely right. She was distant somehow.

"I have to go over to my place to get my gift for you."

"Alright," I thought for a moment, "but won't you run into your mum?"

She turned away from me, and then I saw her shoulders tense up. She gripped onto the clothes, standing silently in my pyjamas, which went around her ankles onto the floor. "She left this morning."

"Oh," I said, "I'm so sorry."

"It's fine. Maybe spending Christmas Day on an airplane is her kind of thing."

I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her. She flinched. I removed my arms. "I'm sorry," she said, "I'm just so tired." She smiled only a little. "I'll be back," she promised, "I just need to shower up and get your gift."

"Alright," he said. "And I'll make sure to look presentable too."

She laughed, "You're always presentable." She reached up to my hair, her standing on her toes and me bending down some. Her fingers ran through my hair. "It's soo fluffy."

I kissed her. We held the kiss for a while, and then she dropped down flat on her feet, and me standing up straight.

"Adios," she waved.


Phil was wearing one of his mass collection of Christmas jumpers and I was wearing one of my selective few ones. Slumped on the sofa with a bowl of cereal, I stared straight ahead at the TV.

We were watching a collection of Christmas special episodes from various anime.

"You're pretty quiet this morning," I looked over at Phil, who was concentrating ahead on the TV.

"Huh?" Phil said, "I have?"

"Yeah." I paused, not looking at the TV and only hearing a collection of Japanese words, "Phil, we're best friends, right? Like we can share everything with each other, right?"

He reached for the remote and paused the TV mid-"kawaii". "Yeah?"

"I have something to tell you."


*Phil POV*

Whatever Dan was going to say was not good. I was almost sure he meant last night with Rachel. I felt instantly nervous.

"Rachel has to leave England."


"She wants to leave the university. Her mom pushed her into a life she didn't want. But if she doesn't go to school here..."

"Oh," I felt myself grow nervous again, but I knew I needed to stay positive. I had to. "We'll figure out how to make her stay."

"I'm sorry to be saying this on, you know, Christmas."

"It's fine, Dan," I smiled, "Things can't always happen with good timing."

"Yeah, I know. But sometimes they do, you know? Like I met you, and Rachel."

"You're right," I smiled, "Stay positive, Dan."

"I learned from the best," he looked at me.

I gave him a friendly hug.

My Neighbors the YouTubers (A danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now