Chapter 45: Recovery

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*Dan POV*

I was cold and it was late. I just kinda sat motionlessly on my bed, upset at something or another. When I thought about it I remembered yes because Phil kissed Rachel but I couldn't think more than that. My brain was off.

"Say goodbye to Dan for me Phil," I heard the light sound of Zoella's voice near my door, "And it was nice meeting you, Rachel."

I shivered. After what I saw, and I couldn't recall seeing much anyway, I just didn't like hearing their names together like that. I couldn't get it out of my mind, but it bothered me.

The house became quiet soon, and for a second I was unsure if I fell asleep or not. I tried to read the clock but I couldn't for some reason. Must've been tired. I reached for my nightstand and took another sip of my drink.

"Dan?" I heard a familiar voice.

I almost screamed. Rachel was just suddenly above me.

*Rachel POV*

"What the fucking fuck?" He said. He got up suddenly and almost fell to his side. His skin was paler than usual.

"Are you alright? You don't look so good," I commented cautiously.

"Of course YOU would think that," he said, grabbing a large glass from his nightstand and taking another sip, the glass almost completely finished.

"What? Dan, stop drinking. You're scaring me."

"I'm NOT drunk. I think YOU'RE the drunk one here, whoreface."

I sighed, "Dan it's not like that. I didn't-"


"I'm not a cheater and don't you mean 'pumpkin eater?'"

"Stop correcting me and being smart I need to win this."

"I think we should talk about it in the morning," I suggested. He obviously wasn't good to talk to right now. "I'll sleep on the sofa bed."

"Yeah I wouldn't want your CHEATING to rub off on me and THEN I'LL EAT PUMPKINS."

I laughed a bit, but tried to hold back my laughter, "Alright. Goodnight then."

Dan looked at me with a death glare and then bent over the side of the bed, suddenly throwing up all over the carpet. I only dodged it by jumping back suddenly.

The smell of the alcohol mixed with the vomit made me gag, but I covered my mouth and tried to breathe and remain calm.

"I'm going to clean this up. Just, stay there and relax or something," I said awkwardly and panicky.

He didn't respond but shoved his face into the pillow.

"Don't do that!" I cried, "Lay on your side."

"Fine. But don't speak so loudly."

I hardly spoke loudly, and I wasn't now. He was still drunk, but it was like the hangover was already starting.

I left the room and got some towels, water and the vacuum. I don't want to go back in there. I don't want to barf.

I made myself go back in there, of course.


"Are you feeling any better?" I asked him. The carpet was clean, and the room no longer smelled disgusting, but it felt like the smell stayed in my nose somehow.

"Eh," he responded simply. "But I want to sleep and I don't want to talk to you right now. I'm still mad at you."


"You need to stop being so nice. I need to be mad."

I laughed a bit. "Goodnight, Dan." I sat up from his bed and took his drink off of his nightstand.

"I hate you. I need that."

"And I need to not clean more vomit off the floor. Goodnight," I smiled at and laughed again.

Phil's light was already off next door. I looked at the door for a while, remembering what happened. Today was a mess. I wasn't very great at stress in the moment, but it started to dawn on me how sad things were starting to make me feel, remembering details of what happened and figuring out why.

I went into the kitchen, washed the glass, and put it away.

I curled up on the sofa bed in my clothes. I forgot pajamas in Dan's room, but whatever, I guess. I fell asleep pretty quickly, despite how much my mind was flooded thinking about everything that had happened.

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