Chapter 14: Tidying

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*Rachel POV*

My eyes slowly opened and my skin felt cold. My back felt stiff as I was leaning on something in front of me. Where am I? I had my hands around something warm. Is this, a person?

I didn't exactly know where I was or what I had been doing. I remembered hanging out with Dan and Phil.

I lifted my head and realized what had happened. I had fallen asleep on Dan's lap somehow. I was facing toward him, resting my head on his shoulder. I still had my legs curled around his body as he was leaning back on the couch, but I had unwrapped my arms from around him. He slept with his mouth open and head back. His hair was messy and curly, the Hobbit hair he hated. Drool escaped his mouth. How cute.

As I moved up to look at the situation, he made a facial expression in his sleep and then opened his eyes sleepily. He blinked a few times and then narrowed his eyes at me in confusion. A slight smile escaped onto his lips. I smiled back.

"Dan? Are you home?" I heard Phil's voice call. He turned around the corner. He saw me straddling Dan and us looking all messy from having been just sleeping. Oh God.

I practically jumped off of his lap and flew across to the other side of the couch, "I'm so sorry I don't know what happened! I just woke up like this!" I panicked, and I felt my face grow hot. "So sorry, gosh."

I still felt horribly awkward. How could something like this happen? I curled up my knees and wrapped my arms around them. I buried my face into my knees. I smiled. So awkward, but so nice.

Phil laughed and Dan smiled awkwardly, laughing nervously. I looked up. I had no idea what my face looked like. Oh God.

"I'm not going to ask," Phil walked into the kitchen.

"We must've fallen asleep watching TV last night," Dan explained to me, "My bad."

"No, no, it's fine," I said probably still looking flustered.

"What do you guys want for breakfast?" Phil called.

"What do we have?"

"Lucky Charms and... er... bran."

"Lucky Charms," Dan said.

"Lucky Charms," I glanced at Dan with agreement.

We all gathered around the table and ate Lucky Charms together. Once I was done, I looked down into the green tinted milk and stirred around a few pieces that I hadn't managed to get on my spoon.

We all finished around the same time. We all went to the sink and started washing out our bowls, when Dan took mine and washed it for me. I thanked him.

"So what are you doing today?" Phil looked over at me.

I glanced up from my cereal and my eyes grew wide, "Do you know what day it is?"

"It's Tuesday, I think," he said.

I exhaled in relief. "Okay, good, I'm fine. No class today. Probably need to clean my flat. It's horribly disgusting. And probably need to take a shower," I looked at my baggy sleeves on my arms. I had no idea what I looked like, but it probably wasn't good, "Other than that, no plans."

"We can help you tidy some," Dan said, "if you want a hand."

"Thank you," I said, but looked down shortly, "but it's kinda embarrassingly messy. Are you sure? You won't judge me, will you?"

Dan laughed, "Phil leaves socks all over the house, he's in no place to judge and never does. And for me... you do not want to know what my dorm looked like at uni. We always partied... and uh, didn't really clean."

My Neighbors the YouTubers (A danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now