Chapter 1: The Awkward Arrival

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Rachel POV

"We have arrived in London, England. It is 6 PM on Sunday," the flight attendant informed us. "Please do not unbuckle your seatbelt until we have come to a complete stop."

I stayed put in my seat as she smiled unnaturally large at us, showing her straight white teeth and stretching her red tinted lips thin. A man with dark hair tried to stand up.

"Excuse me," she immediately said obnoxiously, "the plane has not come to a stop."

He sat down.

"Thank you," she smiled as the plane stopped.

I stood up anxiously, my palms feeling immediately balmy. I was tired. The flight from Los Angeles to London didn't provide much comfort for sleep. But mostly, I was anxious and afraid. I had never been to England before and I had never traveled on my own before.

Everyone grabbed their carry ons from underneath the seats in front of them and reached up high to grab other bags. It was chaotically crowded. Bags were flung and people tripped over each other. I stood back and watched as they slowly found order as they formed a line and exited the plane in the front.

I looked at the people I sat next to and said "Thanks," very quietly. I didn't know why I said thanks, but I felt like thanking them. They didn't hear what I said anyway, and I felt weird. They got their bags and moved to the front of the plane. I did the same and followed.

"Have a nice trip, or hope you had a nice trip!" The flight attendant smiled as I walked out. I smiled back at her. Trip... A nine month trip.


After struggling to find my suitcase, I fumbled to the exit, hearing the wheels of it struggle along. I looked left and right, trying to remember where I was going. Nervousness blocked my reasoning. I wanted to cry. I didn't know where to go or what to do. No, I told myself. You're nineteen. You can do this. "The tube", as they called it in England, that's where I need to go.


Getting to the tube was difficult. I was almost late and barely made it in the door. It was relatively crowded. People waited around with blank looks on their faces. People held shopping bags. A few crying baby sounds echoed and faded as women tried to calm their children.

All of the seats were taken but one, next to a brown haired guy who was hunched over his phone, probably playing an app or texting.

"Excuse me," I said, parting through some people. I nervously looked down, trying to get through the crowd, dragging my suitcase behind me to my seat. I sat down and breathed uncomfortably. Being around crowds of people always gave me anxiety.

For the rest of the ride, I sat in silence next to the guy. I watched his nimble thumbs moved across the screen as he played Flappy Bird. I saw him glance at me, and I looked away. I didn't want to seem rude, but I had nothing else to do. He seemed familiar somehow, but it didn't know who he was. How could I? I hadn't been to London or any part of England.

The tube came to a stop and he stood up. Just as he stood up. When I saw his face no longer concentrating on his phone and his body no longer slouched, I saw exactly who he was.

"D-Dan Howell?" I mouthed the words on my lips without making a sound. Out of all the people I could run into, I ran into the YouTube star I had watched for years.

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