Chapter 10: Paparazzi

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*Rachel POV*

I woke up on my left side, my sleepy eyelids opening. The air was cool on my face and my body was warm under the comforter, or duvet. I closed my eyes again and rolled over, fading into sleep once again. I heard trickling and realized as I was about to sleep that it was raining.

I woke to a phone buzz:

Phil and I are going to breakfast this morning, do you want to come? -Dan

I sleepily typed slower than usual:

I'd love to. When? I need sometime to get ready. I just woke up. -Rachel

Meet in the hallway at 10? I just woke up too. -D

I looked over at the clock. It was 8:30.

Sure. See you then :) -R

See you ^_^ -D

I rolled over and planted my feet on the cold wood flooring, wobbly standing and rubbing my tired eyes. I immediately headed out of my room into the bathroom.

I slipped my pajama pants off onto the floor and pulled my shirt off over my head.

I quickly jumped into the shower only to just turn it on, dumping cold water all over myself. I jumped back quickly, just realizing what I just did. Now completely awake, I huddled in the back corner of the shower, hiding from the rays of cold water. I reached my arm out and turned knob, willing the water to heat up.

After about twenty minutes of waking up and thinking about life, I turned the water off and stepped out of the shower, drying my body off with a nice fluffy towel. I then wrapped it around my hair and grabbed my robe from the counter and put it on, slipping my arms through the long sleeves and tying the sash around my waist.

I went to my drawers in my room and pulled out a nice top. It was a basic long sleeve shirt in a faded blue color, designed like a hoodie in that it had a pocket in the front and a small hood. I then slipped on some black skinny jeans and some plain black vans. I then crossed into the bathroom again where I blow dried my hair, the brownish-blonde strands becoming almost straight, cutting off slightly above my waist. I applied some makeup to my face, covering acne and dark under eye circles. Then I put on some black mascara. My side bangs, or fringe was straight, but fell into multiple pieces. There was nothing to be done. I looked in the mirror and my turquoise eyes stared back at me. I grabbed my small purse and put my phone into it. I then sat on the couch watching a random channel on TV until it was just a minute before 10, when I turned it off and headed out, locking the door behind me.

I held my breath as I knocked on Dan and Phil's door.

"PHIL GET THE DOOR!" Dan's voice yelled.

"Alright! Alright!"

I heard loud quick footsteps and then Phil appeared as the door opened, breathing as if he just ran, "Sorry we aren't ready yet, really. Want to come in?"

"Sure," I responded, stepping through the door. Loud music played from the other side of the flat.

I sat on the couch and Phil sat next to me. He looked at me and politely asked, "Do you have an umbrella?"

I must've looked confused for a second, but then spaced out and heard raindrops through Dan's blasting music. "Oh. No, actually," I smiled a little smile, pretty embarrassed.

"It's alright," he smiled back at me, "you can share with Dan or I. It's no problem at all."

"Thank you. And sorry for my forgetfulness. It doesn't really rain much where I live."

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