Chapter 47: Reflections

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*Dan POV*

If I could describe how I felt in just a word, I'd have to go with confused.

What was I supposed to do? My world was falling apart. My best friend betrayed me. Accidentally, yeah, but the fact that it was an accident didn't making it much better. It happened anyway. I was angry.

I wasn't sure who I was angry at? Phil? He was my best friend. He made an accident. I couldn't be mad at him. Rachel? She was innocent. She didn't do anything. And then she was leaving me. After worrying that I would leave her, she left me. Yes, I was mad at things I shouldn't be mad at. Phil for betrayal and Rachel for leaving. But then I was mad at myself for being mad. There was a lot of anger to go around. I was sinking in it.

"I'm going on a walk," I said, burning with anger a pretty bad migraine, actually.

"When will you be back?" Phil inquired.

"Why does it matter?" I snapped, immediately regretting my comment but still not able to hold back any anger.

I didn't give him the chance to respond, walking quickly out of the door and slamming it behind me.


*Rachel POV*

I heard a loud bang, jumping a bit as I was sitting on the floor. I stood up, and tiptoed to the door, looking out casually.

It was silent. I decided to walk further.

I found Phil in the living room on the sofa, sitting quietly, scrolling on his MacBook. I was pretty confused and looked around for a bit to try and see what the bang was.

"Um, Phil," I began, deciding to ask a question I probably didn't want an answer to, "What was that noise?"

He set his MacBook aside and sighed, looking up at me, "Dan stormed out."

I felt myself pause in the course of the world, struck by fear and bewilderment. I then breathed, and came back to earth. I tried to compose myself, although I completely just gave myself away. "Well, this is a big mess, isn't it?"

I sat down next to him. It was uncomfortable after what happened last night, but I forced that discomfort away.

"It is," he said.

I looked at him, and then around the room. The white walls, the black couch, the window, the TV. They were things I took for granted now, but when I first came, I remembered looking at everything in wonder.

"I'm going to miss this place," I said aloud.

"And this place is going to miss you," Phil grinned at me.

"Places can't miss me," I smiled.

"Don't say that in front of the house! It has feelings," Phil insisted.

I laughed, "You sure know how to lighten the mood. Thanks, Phil. But really, I can't believe today is my last day."

"I wish you could stay longer," he said.

"Me too."

We sat in silence for a long while.

"You know, I'm going to miss everything. Even the little stupid things. Little stupid things make the greatest memories. Like that time I tripped on the stairs into you and then you tripped and Dan laughed at us."

Phil laughed, "I almost forgot about that."

"I won't. Do you remember when I played dress up with you and Dan at that store?"

"That one I will never forgot. That was SO awkward."

"And it's on the Internet too. So the Phandom will remind you if you forget."

My Neighbors the YouTubers (A danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now